Chapter 14 Motivation and training
Table 14.1 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Figure 14.1 The Vroom expectancy theory of motivation
Figure 14.2 Methods of conducting sales meetings
Figure 14.3 Salesforce motivation
Figure 14.4 Motivating factors for salespeople
Figure 14.5 Summary of differences between sales directors and sales representatives
Table 14.3 Topics salespeople would like to discuss more with their sales managers
Table 14.4 Positive and negative strokes
Table 14.7 Skills development
Figure 14.6 Components of a training programme
Table 14. 8 Methods used to train sales managers Source: Powers, T. L Table 14.8 Methods used to train sales managers Source: Powers, T.L., DeCarlo, T.E. and Gupte, G. (2010) An update on the status of sales management training, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 30:319–26.
Table 14.9 Topics covered in sales training programmes for managers Source: Powers, T.L., DeCarlo, T.E. and Gupte, G. (2010) An update on the status of sales management training, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 30:319–26.
Figure 14.8 Fountain pen features