Intelligent Mobile Robotics CS 490 Section 1 Fall 2002 Jerry Weinberg Tuesday, Thursday 2 – 3:15 p.m. EB Room 0011
Course Objectives Study the computational mechanisms for implementing intelligent, autonomous mobile robots: Robot Control Architectures: reactive, deliberative, and hybrid Control Mechanisms: PID error correction Sensory Perceptions: obstacle avoidance, recognition, navigation, mapping Methods of Navigation: Dead reckoning, landmark localization Methods of Planning
Readings Required Textbook: Introduction to AI Robotics by Robin Murphy Additional reading will be assigned from technical journals and conference proceedings. Suggested Reading: Behavior Based Robotics by Ronald Arkin Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics by G. Dudek & M. Jenkin Mobile Robotics a Practical Introduction by Ulrich Nehmzow Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by S. Russell & P. Norvig AI Topics Website:
Tentative Schedule Week Topic Reading 1 Overview of Robotics and Robot Control Architectures Murphy: Introduction, Chapter 1 2 & 3 Reactive Control Architectures Murphy: Chapters 3, 4, & 5 4 Robot Motion and Control 5 Deliberative Control Architectures Murphy: Chapter 2 6 Sensors Murphy: Chapter 6 7 & 8 Topic Paper Presentations & Midterm 9 Hybrid Control Architectures Murphy: Chapter 7 10 & 11 Navigation Murphy: Chapters: 9 & 10 12 Mapping Murphy: Chapter 11 Multi-agent robotics Murphy: Chapter 8 13 Robot Manipulators 14 & 15 Project Demonstrations and Presentations
Programming Eyebots: Pioneer (P2-DX): C/C++ with special libraries Pair programming
Grading Midterm 10% Final 10% Topic Paper & Presentation 15% Programming Assignments 40% Project (demos & presentation) 25%
Beta Warning: Product Testing
Why Study Robotics? Industrial Robots
Why Study Robotics? Service Robots
Why Study Robotics? Exploration
Why Study Robotics? Consumer Robots
Why Study Robotics? Embedded Systems Programming Cars, microwave ovens, mobile phones Integrated Systems Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Computer Science
Why Study Robotics? Real-time Systems
Why Study Robotics? Multitasking
Why Study Robotics? Its Fun!
What is An Intelligent Robot? A machine able to extract information from its environment and use knowledge about its world to move safely in a meaningful manner
Humans vs. Robots People Robots Bones Mechanical Structure Muscles Effectors Senses Sensors Digestion/Respiration AC/DC Power Brain Computer Knowledge Program
Teleoperation vs. Autonomous
Robots vs. Softbots A softbot is a pure software agent whose environment consists of computer file systems, databases, and networks Microsoft Office Helper, Game Agents, Web Crawlers, Expert Systems Robot is an active, artificial agent whose environment is the physical world
The Real World is A Harsh Place Inaccessible near by stimuli, limited attention, imperfect sensors Non-deterministic Robot structure and dynamics, environment Dynamic Changes happening as decisions are made Continuous The worlds is not a set of discrete events
Dealing with the Physical World A robot needs to be able to handle its environment or the environment must be altered and controlled. Close World Assumption The robot knows everything relevant no surprises Open World Assumption The robot must be able to handle unexpected events.
Spectrum of Robot Control Read Murphy: Chapters 1 & 2