Welcome to Science (10/18) Please have a seat and take out the following: Your Chemical Compounds in Cells Lab Your Planner Your Cells and Heredity Book (page 28) Today’s Objective: Start a few activities that look at how chemical compounds move around within the body and cells. Due Dates: Investigating Cells and Homoeostasis Virtual Lab due Fri. Oct. 21th
Order of Activities: Finish your Chemical Compounds in Cells Lab. Visit and explore the Pearson Realize Online Resources. Let me know and move onto. . . 3. Engage in other cell related activities: -BrainPOP Videos (listed on top of notes) -Videos on the Network -Interactive websites from our Life Science Website (Cells Alive, etc)
Mini Lesson on the Tools:
Quick Lab Instructions: Use your beaker to get just over 150 mL of water from the sink. Use your graduated cylinder to fill your cup with about 150 mL of water. Let the water settle as much as possible as you read the “My Planet Diary” on page 28. Once the water has settled place one drop of red food coloring in the water. (TRY NOT TO BUMP THE CUP OR THE TABLE). Observe the movement of the food coloring.
Quick Lab Questions: How does the smell of soup get from the kitchen to your room? How does the food coloring move around in your cup? How do (some of) the chemical compounds move in and out of your cells? Answer for all: Diffusion 4. What would happen with the soup smell if the kitchen door was closed?
Pearson Realize Login Info: Your 3 Digit Number Username: isdstudent___ Password: science2016 Find the virtual lab for lesson 4. Chapter 1 Investigating Cells Lesson 4