CASAS Update Record
Why are we doing it? Completing CASAS paperwork and testing provides the department with funding which allows us to offer AED courses at no charge to you the student. CASAS also helps your instructor know your strengths and weaknesses. This helps your instructor help you in the class. CASAS wants to monitor your testing and personal progress throughout the school year. You will fill out a green update record so that we can track what demographics have changed or stayed the same since the BEGINNING of THIS CLASS.
Green Update Record Robert Fiske Please fill out your name, phone number and address in lines 1a and 1b. Please print your instructor’s LAST NAME on line 2.
Green Update Record Item 3: WRITE and BUBBLE in your 7 digit Cerritos College Student ID# Item 5: Bubble in the Instructional Program for THIS course. Occupational Preparation = Workforce Readiness
Learner Results ITEM 9: The purpose of this area is to see what has changed or stayed the same since you began THIS CLASS ONLY. If an update area does not apply to you, it is okay to skip that area. However, if the instructor tells you to bubble in an area, please do so.
Learner Results WORK COLUMN: (popular choices) If what you have learned in this class has increased skills that could potentially help you gain employment in the future, mark “Acquired workforce readiness skills”. If you were UNEMPLOYED at the beginning of this course, and you are now EMPLOYED, mark “Got a Job”. If you received a raise since the beginning of this course, mark “ Increased wages”. If you were EMPLOYED at the beginning of this course, and you STILL EMPLOYED, mark “Retained Job”. If you were EMPLOYED at the beginning of this course, and you STILL EMPLOYED but at a different job or new position that is better than before, mark “Got a better Job”. If none apply to you, it is okay to leave this column blank.
Learner Results EDUCATION COLUMN: (required choice) If you used computers or smart phones during class this term, please mark “Gained computer/tech skills” Do NOT mark areas that you HOPE to obtain in the future or that you earned PRIOR to the beginning of this class.
Learner Results FAMILY/COMMUNITY COLUMN: (required and popular choices). If you had a goal to stay enrolled in this class, then you may mark, “Met personal Goal” If you have children under the age of 18, and what you have learned in this class will help you help your children with their schoolwork: Then you may mark “Increased Involvement in children’s education” or “Increased Involvement in children’s literacy activities” If you had a family member “encouraging” you to go back to school, you may mark “Met other family goal” Any other goals that apply can be marked as well.
25111 Learner Results Item #10: WRITE and BUBBLE in your 5 digit Class ID#. Return your COMPLETED Form back to your instructor.