Stella and Charles Guttman Community College City University of New York Pace University Retention Conference June 16th, 2017 The Summer Bridge Program at Guttman Community College: Academic Enrichment, High-Touch Advising, and Early Intervention Technology from the Get-Go Danielle Insalaco-Egan, Ph.D. Director of Student Support and Academic Achievement Co-Coordinator, Guttman Bridge Programs Tashana S. Samuel, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Psychology Co-Coordinator, Guttman Bridge Programs Diana Zechowski, MSEd. Student Success Advocate
I am seeking common ground with someone who… Works at the same type of institution that I do Speaks more than one language Is a first generation college student Does not work at my college Likes the same TV show/ Netflix series
For freshmen: “common ground” exercise “Starting college who’s motivated…” “Who wants to change…” “Starting college who’s nervous…” “Who never thought they would…” “Who’s proud of …”
The Guttman Summer Bridge Program “Bridge is figuratively a bridge between high school and college. It helps the transition be as smooth as it can possibly be…” -Guttman student (post-Bridge reflection)
Framework for Bridge: Experiential Learning student-centered learning active engagement application of knowledge process/analyze/evaluate information reflection of experiences
The Guttman Summer Bridge Experience What? Pre-matriculation transitional experience Modeled on the First Year Experience 5 Components: Critical Issue, Reading & Writing, Quantitative Reasoning, Studio, and Student Success Seminar (LaBSS) 5 discipline-specific assignments required Multidisciplinary, Integrated Group Project with Presentation Field Research in New York City When? 10 -12 days immediately preceding the Fall 1 semester Enrollment Requirement: full completion of Bridge* Class and field research attendance, assignments and group project presentation required in order to be enrolled in Fall 1
Planning the Journey to Bridge... Curriculum developed and revised by Interdisciplinary Curriculum Working Group each year –Common Read Selection – Curriculum based on City Seminar integrated course model -Multi-disciplinary, Integrated Group Project & Presentation –Technology Integration (ePortfolio, Starfish, Social Explorer) –No developmental skills are explicitly addressed
Faculty: the majority of full-time faculty have been matched to the houses they will be teaching in fall I 16 full-time faculty 2 part-time faculty 6 SSAs 6 Grad Coordinators 15-20 peer mentors for additional support
Bridge Student Schedule? 8 classroom days 1 Field Research Day 1 day for presentations/Convocation
The Bridges We’ve Crossed... Year Common Read # of Days # of Students Enrolled 2012 No Impact Man, by Colin Beavan 12 289 2013 Incredibly Close and Extremely Loud, by Jonathan Safran Foer 11 278 2014 Down These Mean Streets, by Piri Thomas 410 2015 The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini 10 445 2016 Drown, by Junot Diaz 450 2017 The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie ~500 expected
LaBSS Curriculum Overview of First Year Experience, Cohort Model, High Impact Practices, Instructional Teams, SSA Role SWOT Analysis Mutual Investments Starfish Learning Lab/Academic Skills Support
Personal SWOT Analysis
Mutual Investments
Assessment Plan Assessment Description Purpose Submission of student ePortfolios Students will submit their ePortfolios on the last day of Summer Bridge, containing all core assignments from each component as outlined in the completion policy. Data from the ePortfolios will be used to measure students’ ability to complete the SB activities as well as to attempt to glean insight into the value of the completion policy. Assessment of student ePortfolios During the October Assessment Days, faculty will assess student work from the various Summer Bridge components using rubrics associated with program learning outcomes. Quantitative data (from rubrics scores) will be used to measure attainment of learning outcomes. Raters will participate in a norming session prior to scoring. Student Survey Students will complete a survey on their SB experience, giving general impressions of SB (Likert scale), self- reporting achievement of each learning outcomes (Likert scale) and open response items. Quantitative and qualitative data will be used to measure students’ general attitudes and beliefs about the program, how they hope the program will impact their upcoming semester and how these beliefs are aligned with SB outcomes.
Assessment Plan Assessment Description Purpose Faculty/Staff Survey Faculty, SSAs, Grad Coordinators, and peer mentors will complete a survey on their Summer Bridge experience early in Fall I. Qualitative data will be used to measure the faculty and staff’s general attitudes and beliefs towards SB and their relationship to the intended outcomes of SB, to be used in a mixed-methods design with the qualitative findings of the debriefing/focus group. Debriefing Sessions In-person debriefing sessions will be held with committee members, faculty and staff to discuss the program and the results of the survey. Qualitative data in order to measure the faculty and staff’s general attitudes and beliefs towards SB. This qualitative data will be used in a mixed-methods design with the quantitative findings of the faculty/staff survey. Fall I Reflection. Students will reflect on their Summer Bridge experience as part of a common an end-of-semester reflection completed in an FYE course. Following a norming process, faculty will assess (code) the reflections during the February Assessment Days. The purpose of the Fall I Reflection essay is to measure the extent to which SB has influenced students’ first-semester experiences.
End-of-Bridge Student Reflection How would you describe Bridge to a student thinking about attending Guttman? “The Bridge program mirrors actual classes to give you the most detailed idea of how classes are going and how you’re expected to perform. At the beginning, you’ll feel overwhelmed by the things that are required and everything that has to be submitted but once you’re done you get a feeling that it wasn’t as overwhelming as you thought it would be.” “It’s the best head start to college anyone can ever have”
Assessment Highlights Completion rate: 97% to 98% completion rate each year since inception Changes based on survey and debrief data: Added co-curricular “common hour” programming Enhanced technology instruction -- more time with ePortfolio Developed truly integrated assignment Made attendance meaningful through Starfish