The Movies Mariana Kolarska
Reflect What is your favourite film / movie/? What is it about? Who stars in it? Why do you like the film?
What types of films do you know? Reflect What types of films do you know? romance cartoon horror musical comedy action historical drama science fiction
Which expression matches the picture? fall through drive down walk through jump out off 4
Which expression matches the picture? dive into jump off drive down fall through 5
Which expression matches the picture? drive down fall through jump out of dive into 6
Which expression matches the picture? jump off dive into fall through drive down 7
Which expression matches the picture? jump off jump out of drive down fall through 8
Which expression matches the picture? a stunt double twins brothers-in-law brothers 9
What do you think stunt doubles do? Reflect What do you think stunt doubles do? What are the pros and cons of being a stunt double?
Find in the text Rick English Frank Street Angela Meryl Simon Crane four stunt doubles Rick English Frank Street Angela Meryl Simon Crane
Pirates of the Caribbean Find in the text four famous film titles Kill Bill Cliffhanger Pirates of the Caribbean Casino Royale
He has driven cars through walls. He has driven cars into rivers. Find in the text two stunts that Rick English has done He has driven cars through walls. He has driven cars into rivers.
She has fallen off bridges, high buildings and motorbikes. Find in the text six stunts that Angela Meryl has done She has fallen off bridges, high buildings and motorbikes. She has also fallen out of windows and cars. She has fallen through a glass table.
Find in the text the most expensive stunt ever. Simon Crane climbed from one aeroplane to another, while they were flying at nearly five thousand metres in Cliffhanger.
Frank Street broke his arm when he jumped out of a helicopter. Find in the text two injuries. Angela Meryl cut her hand when she fell through the glass table in Kill Bill. Frank Street broke his arm when he jumped out of a helicopter.
drive a car …………… a river Complete fall …………… a bridge off walk …………… fire through drive a car …………… a wall through drive a car …………… a river into fall …………… windows out of through
We use the present perfect tense to talk about Experiences up to now Read the rules and complete the sentences from the text. We use the present perfect tense to talk about Experiences up to now Rick ………………….cars through walls. 2. Recent events / usually with just or recently/. I……………..just…………….out of hospital myself. has driven have come
Find more examples of the present perfect tense in the text.
Have you ever done these things? Present Perfect Have you ever done these things? fall out of bed do karate ride a horse be on the radio see a shooting star live in a different town write to someone in English forget your homework I’ve fallen out of bed. I haven’t fallen out of bed. Have you ever fallen out of bed? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.
Complete has fallen fell Angela ………………….off bridges, high buildings and motorbikes. In 2002, Angela …………… through a glass table. has fallen fell Which tense do we use : when there is a past time reference? when there is no past time reference?
Write What stunts has Frank Street done? 1. He has climbed up a skyscraper. He did it in 2006. 2. He hasn’t jumped out of a plane. 3. He has driven a lorry down a mountain. He did it last September. 4. He has jumped off a bridge. He did it in January. 5. He has fallen off a horse. He did it two years ago.
Write What stunts has Frank Street done? 6. He hasn’t walked trough fire. 7. He hasn’t driven a car through a window. 8. He has fallen through a ceiling. He did it in 2012. 9. He hasn’t dived off a bridge.
Listen What? When? How did they feel?
Listen What? When? How did they feel? drunk coffee last Monday thought it was horrible ridden an elephant yesterday the elephant was really high been on an aeroplane 2 weeks ago thought it was great eaten curry on Saturday thought it was hot, but delicious broken her arm on Sunday afternoon thought the hospital was interesting spoken French to someone last week felt nervous