Concept of a Danube River Basin GIS Ingrid Roder Gabriela Vincze
Danube River Basin District 2nd largest river basin of Europe 801,463 km² 18 states 8 EU-Member states 3 Accession countries 12 CP to the DRPC 1 observer to the DRPC
Danube RB GIS - Benefits Facilitates creation of a common database and consistent information Effective application of quality assurance measures Institutionalisation of data harmonization processes (common methodology) Establishment of common standards (e.g. metadata) Supports data sharing, helps to improve communication and sharing expertise Continuity for recurrent (reporting) obligations Provide information for different target groups Public information dissemination
Danube RB GIS - Stategic plan Basis for River Basin Management within the ICPDR EU Water framework Directive support for reporting Strategic decision making Public information dissemination Implementation plan 1st phase (2004-2005): DRB Mapping for reporting 2nd phase (2004-2008): centralised DRB WebGIS System Definition finished (Feb05) Prototype, System development (until autumn 06) 3rd phase (2008 …): decentralised DRB WebGIS
System Architecture Danube River Basin GIS Web Server Fire Wall Centralised Database OGC-Interfaces WebGIS Map Products Analysis Data Upload Data Download Danube River Basin GIS File based Data National GIS: Data Resources Databases WWW
Input Data 1st phase 2nd phase 3rd phase data collected for the roof report 2004 2nd phase + layers promoted by the WFD GIS Guidance + data already available in the Danube Information System DANUBIS 3rd phase + further topics needed
Input Data Data harmonisation Data content (metadata, attributes templates, codelists) Geometry (horizontal, vertical) Metadata Based on ISO 19115 Recomendation to create a DRB GIS community profile Data delivery ESRI shape file, geographic coordinate system, ETRS89 Data harmonisation
Geoinformation Products Maps and webmaps Interactive maps (viewing maps on-screen) Print out maps working purpose only, no automatic production of high quality cartographic products Tables, query strings, diagrams Extract of DRB GIS database (screen, file) Predefined queries for standard output tables Statistics Overview of the features included in the dataset
System Functions Use Cases Public User Expert user Data input user Administrator Outside the DRB GIS Reconcile user decision maker
System Functions Data Handling & Conversion Data upload Data download Schema mapping Templates Workflow management
Danube RB GIS – WISE The next steps forward GIS data Danube states - reporting obligations to more than one RBD and to WISE Easy exchange and conversion of data should be guaranteed – basis GIS guidance document (schema mapping) Improvement of GIS guidance document (data model, coding, metadata, data harmonisation – content/templates, …) Take already existing systems into consideration - WasserBLIcK
Concept of a Danube River Basin GIS Thank you for your attention!