Select OhioMHAS Updates April 26, 2017 Promoting Wellness and Recovery John R. Kasich, Governor Tracy J. Plouck, Director Select OhioMHAS Updates April 26, 2017 Tracy J. Plouck, Director
Selected Items of Interest Behavioral health benefit redesign Workforce initiatives Trauma-informed care Strong Families, Safe Communities Crisis Text Line Suicide prevention Safe and Healthy Schools
Behavioral health benefit redesign Administration efforts focused on July 1, 2017 implementation date Detailed update later today We appreciate working with OACCA on readiness activities!
Workforce initiatives 21st Century Cures Act - Prescribers Physicians from all areas of the state will have access to free DEA waiver training, free ECHO model support, and free CEs. Require all individuals completing training in primary, psychiatry, maternal/fetal medicine, emergency, NPs/APNs and PAs residencies or programs receive instruction on basic addiction curriculum to be developed, in addition to full DATA 2000 waiver training (discussion with medical schools pending)
Workforce initiatives Prescribers, continued Require that all graduating medical students, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, podiatrists, dentists and other prescribers receive training in low-risk prescribing prior to graduation Require all Ohio HPSA loan repayment recipients complete basic training and DATA 2000 training within the first year of loan repayment All trainings will be available to active practitioners to enhance skills, and actively promoted to FQHCs statewide and to other practitioners in high-impact areas of Ohio
Workforce – Executive Budget Counselors & Therapists Partner with certified OhioMHAS agencies to enhance recruitment and retention strategies Partner with certified OhioMHAS agencies to cover the cost of supervision hours needed to increase the level of clinicians’ credentials within an agency
Trauma Informed Care To date, more than 8,000 Ohioans have been trained Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy includes trauma in its curriculum beginning this month, which will reach 30,000+! This training investment is being put to use regularly throughout our state Emerging area of focus: vicarious trauma related to opiate epidemic
Strong Families, Safe Communities
Crisis Text Line Stark County Mental Health & Recovery Services Board initiated use of the text line with support from Ohio’s Strong Families, Safe Communities program OhioMHAS took this to scale in September OACBHA is doing extensive outreach Text “4hope” to 741 741
Crisis Text Line As of January 10, 2017, these advertisements have appeared over 2.7 million times on Facebook and Instagram feeds and were seen by nearly 750,000 users
Suicide prevention OhioMHAS will be rolling out a social marketing campaign focused on educating and empowering peers, friends, classmates and siblings to help and support youth who are struggling, in crisis or at risk of suicide. Build upon the existing #BeAware brand by engaging youth to “step in and step up” for their peers who may be having a difficult time. The campaign will be to increase youth and young adult awareness of suicide prevention and to build their capacity to support, encourage and empower each other in times of need. Campaign will link those at risk to information, immediate crisis intervention and local resources.
Safe and healthy schools OhioMHAS, in partnership with the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation and their Ohio Campaign for Hope: Youth Suicide Prevention Initiative to offer Kognito gatekeeper trainings for Ohio School teachers, staff, and administrators. These trainings will educate school personnel on how to recognize and help students who are in distress through online simulations and conversations. Kognito trainings will be offered to at risk for middle school, at risk for elementary school, and Step-In, Speak Up.
Safe and healthy schools, 2 Safe & Healthy Schools Summit: Supporting Youth Through Evidence-Based Practices is taking place at Quest Conference Center in Columbus on June 6th Annual OPEC Conference June 26-28 will be offering several suicide prevention sessions including Youth Mental Health First Aid
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