Historical Context First City in Broward County Incorporated in 1904 Decline over the past 30 years CRA created over 10 years ago Develop a new vision of the City The Wrice Center Project is designed to improve perception and integrate with the neighborhood
Solar Cobrahead
Decorative Solar Lights
Locations Also Wrice Center (1) Community Garden (2)
Bid Description Quantity Unit of Measure Unit Cost Total 2 3 4 Bid Item Description Quantity Unit of Measure Unit Cost Total 1 Mobilization LS 2 Solar Lights – Cobra head 10 3 Solar Lights – Teardrop 8 4 Permit Allowance $5,000.00 TOTAL
Budget Preliminary Budget: $100,000 = Total CDBG Mix and Match
CDBG Requirements Prevailing wage rates apply. Please insure you comply with them Davis- Bacon Applies. Insure you comply with it and have your people classified appropriately Since the project is $100,000, work hours and safety requirements apply. This means all hours over 40/week require overtime be paid at 1.5 x base wage.
CDBG Requirements Wage determinations are required. Fringe benefits are in addition to the base rate The Copeland Act also applies. Make sure all insurance is correct with the names and last 4 digits of the social security number Wage determinations must be posted so everyone can see what their wage rates should be.
CDBG Requirements Every subcontractor must comply with the wage determination Apprentices must be enrolled in DOL or State approved programs. A sign needs to be posted on the project noting that it is CDBG funded. The sign was included in the bid package under the CDBG portion
CDBG Requirements Payroll records must be kept for 3 years after the project has ended If a subcontractor finished part of the work and will no longer be providing labor they should note final on their final certified payroll Noncompliance with these provisions brings penalties
What Must be Included Letter of Transmittal; Anticipated time line to begin delivery of services; Proof of insurance; A breakdown of the costs for the delivery of services for the implementation of the development plan for the Project; and Résumés of key personnel who will actually be assigned to the Project Five (5) similar projects performed in South Florida
Must be included Bid Proposal Form 5 Similar Projects Bidder’s Questionnaire Sworn Statement Under §287.133(3)(a), Florida Statutes -Public Entity Crimes Prevailing Wage Ordinance Non-collusion Affidavit Acknowledgment Of Conformance With Florida Trench Safety Act Forms will be send via WORD in Addenda 1
NOTE Warranties - All equipment supplied under these Specifications shall be warranted by the CONTRACTOR and the equipment manufacturers for a period of one (1) year. Warranty period shall commence on the date of OWNER acceptance. There is a list of minimum standards for equipment and supplies that must be met. $1 million insurance
YOU MUST INCLUDE CDBG P 12 and 15 or 16 or bid will be rejected You must have the correct insurance in place
Proposal Requirements One (1) original, so marked, a CD-ROM of the proposal, and five (5) copies of a Letter of Interest and the completed proposal package Note this is a HUD/CDBG project Bidders must comply with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 which requires that economic opportunities to the greatest extent feasible be given to low and very low income persons and to businesses that provide economic opportunities for these persons.
PROPOSAL DUE DATE No Later than 10:00 am on Friday October 25, 2013 Bid opening is at 10:30 am in the City Hall conference room Award in November Contract Duration is 45 days
Questions Project Management Consultant Dr. Frederick Bloetscher, P.E., President Public Utility Management and Planning Services, Inc. P.O. Box 221890 Hollywood, FL 33022-1890 Telephone 239-250-2423 EMAIL: NOTE – we need everyone’s email address!!