AGENDA FOR TODAY Background and Explanation of Surveys 4/13/2017 AGENDA FOR TODAY Background and Explanation of Surveys Highlights of Data Planting a Seed / Things to Consider: What are next steps and/or questions that will help us build more Assets? What is the call to action? How do we engage everyone to effectively work together? Questions & Answers 2 EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone 2
ABOUT THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY DEVELOPMENTAL ASSETS SURVEY 4/13/2017 ABOUT THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY DEVELOPMENTAL ASSETS SURVEY 2 surveys for different age groups: Me and My World (MMW) for elementary grades Attitudes and Behaviors (A&B) for middle/high school grades EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
ABOUT THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY DEVELOPMENTAL ASSETS SURVEY 4/13/2017 ABOUT THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY DEVELOPMENTAL ASSETS SURVEY Project Cornerstone administered the 4th Santa Clara Countywide Developmental Asset Survey in 2016. What: The Search Institute surveys measure: Students’ attitudes, behaviors, and Developmental Assets (the positive values, relationships, and experiences that help young people succeed) Risk-taking behaviors and thriving indicators – showing how the presence or absence of Developmental Assets affects whether young people make healthy choices EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
ABOUT THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY DEVELOPMENTAL ASSETS SURVEY 4/13/2017 ABOUT THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY DEVELOPMENTAL ASSETS SURVEY When: All surveys were completed on-line in September or October 2016. Who: More than 43,000 students total 25 school districts throughout Santa Clara County More than 180 schools 12,947 ES students 12,911 MS Students 17,794 HS Students Schools chose any grades from 4-6 for elementary and 6-12 for middle/high school surveys. Project Cornerstone’s targeted grades: 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
YOUTH SURVEYED IN EESD IN 2016 3,022 STUDENTS TOTAL 4/13/2017 YOUTH SURVEYED IN EESD IN 2016 3,022 STUDENTS TOTAL Elementary School MMW (Me and My World Survey) 1,770 students Grade 4: 783 Grade 5: 978 Female: 904 Male: 847 Middle School A & B (Attitudes and Behaviors) 1,252 students Grade 7: 1176 Female: 584 Male: 577 EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
A FEW WORDS ABOUT DATA… Grain of salt Patterns? Confusing? 4/13/2017 A FEW WORDS ABOUT DATA… Grain of salt Confusing? Patterns? Dig deeper – How many questions for that asset? Subject to interpretation? Think of kids, not just numbers… A snapshot of our youth at a particular point in time… Inspiring? Prompts more questions? Next steps? Action plan? Pulling together a community EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
DEVELOPMENTAL ASSETS - DEFINITION 4/13/2017 DEVELOPMENTAL ASSETS - DEFINITION Developmental Assets are the positive values, relationships, and experiences that ALL youth need to thrive. Search Institute has identified 40 assets in eight categories. EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
8 ASSET CATEGORIES External Internal Support Commitment to Learning Empowerment Boundaries/Expectations Constructive Use of Time Internal Commitment to Learning Positive Values Social Competencies Positive Identity EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY? 4/13/2017 WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY? Youth do better when they have relationships and experiences that make them feel valued, respected, and known. Youth with lower asset levels are more likely to engage in risk behaviors and be less successful at school. (Risk-Taking Behaviors) Youth with higher asset levels are more likely to choose healthy activities, succeed in school, and avoid risk behaviors. (Thriving Indicators) EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
THE MORE ASSETS, THE BETTER 4/13/2017 THE MORE ASSETS, THE BETTER Search Institute created 4 levels for the average number of assets and linked them to risky and thriving behaviors. Thriving/Optimal 31-40 assets Adequate 21-30 assets Vulnerable 11-20 assets At Risk 0-10 assets EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
AVERAGE NUMBER OF ASSETS: ELEMENTARY TO MIDDLE 4/13/2017 SC County EESD EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD GROWTH FROM 2010 to 2016: ELEMENTARY TO MIDDLE SCHOOL 4/13/2017 EESD GROWTH FROM 2010 to 2016: ELEMENTARY TO MIDDLE SCHOOL EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
4/13/2017 WHAT DO WE NOTICE? Which assets increased in percentages? Which ones decreased? Which assets are still low, despite an increase? EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD HIGHLIGHTS – ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4/13/2017 EESD HIGHLIGHTS – ELEMENTARY SCHOOL From 2010 to 2016: % of youth increased by at least 5% in 11 assets. Top 3 with most significant increases: Caring school climate 70% (+9%) Family boundaries 65% (+9%) Other adult relationship 57% (+7%) % of youth decreased by at least 5% in 2 assets. Neighborhood boundaries 39% (-8%) Service to others 28% (-5%) EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD HIGHLIGHTS – MIDDLE SCHOOL 4/13/2017 From 2010 to 2016: % of youth increased by at least 5% in 20 assets. Top 3 with most significant increases: Peaceful conflict resolution 74% (+12%) Reading for pleasure 38% (+10%) Equality and social justice 81% (+10%) % of youth decreased by at least 5% in 4 assets. Top 3 with most significant decreases: School engagement 49% (-29%) Homework 67% (-15%) Service to others 39% (-10%) EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD OVERALL SUMMARY HIGHLIGHTS… POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITIES TO STRENGTHEN 4/13/2017 EESD OVERALL SUMMARY HIGHLIGHTS… POSSIBLE OPPORTUNITIES TO STRENGTHEN In 2016: Almost half of elementary and more than half of middle school students reported they don’t have positive other adult relationships or adult role models. Two-thirds of middle school students reported they don’t feel safe at home, at school or in their neighborhoods. Most elementary and middle school students reported they don’t feel valued by their community. EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS 4/13/2017 EESD RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS 6 Areas for Elementary: 36% of elementary students reported they felt really sad or depressed during the last month. 24 Areas for Middle: % of students has decreased from 2010 to 2016 in 21 out of 24 risk behaviors! Most significant declines were in Shoplifting, Hitting, and Threatening physical harm. EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3 OF 6 RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS 4/13/2017 EESD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3 OF 6 RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS Risk Behavior Pattern Definition Total Sample Gender M F Alcohol Has used alcohol more than once during the last year 3 4 2 Physical Aggression/ Violence Has hit or beat someone up more than once during the last year 6 8 4 Sadness Has felt sad or depressed a few or more times during the last month 36 36 37 EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD MIDDLE SCHOOL 2 OF 24 RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS 4/13/2017 EESD MIDDLE SCHOOL 2 OF 24 RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS Risk-Taking Behavior Category Definition Total Sample Gender M F Violence Hit someone once or more in the last 12 months Physically hurt someone once or more in the last 12 months 17 8 19 15 10 5 Eating Disorder Has engaged in bulimic or anorexic behavior 16 16 EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD MIDDLE SCHOOL 2 MORE OF 24 RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS 4/13/2017 EESD MIDDLE SCHOOL 2 MORE OF 24 RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS Risk-Taking Behavior Category Definition Total Sample Gender M F Depression Felt sad or depressed most or all of the time in the last month 16 11 21 Attempted Suicide Has attempted suicide one or more times 13 10 15 EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
THE POWER OF ASSETS TO PROTECT EESD ELEMENTARY RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS 4/13/2017 THE POWER OF ASSETS TO PROTECT EESD ELEMENTARY RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
THE POWER OF ASSETS TO PROTECT EESD MIDDLE RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS 4/13/2017 THE POWER OF ASSETS TO PROTECT EESD MIDDLE RISK-TAKING BEHAVIORS EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD THRIVING INDICATORS 4/13/2017 EESD THRIVING INDICATORS 7 Areas for Elementary School: Highest %: Life satisfaction 87% Values diversity 85% Lowest %: Coping 53% Most significant increases: Helping others 74% and Coping 53% (both with +10%) EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD THRIVING INDICATORS 4/13/2017 EESD THRIVING INDICATORS 8 Areas for Middle School: Highest %: Values diversity 73% Lowest %: Resists danger 29% Most significant increase: Values diversity 73% (+5%) EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
EESD MIDDLE SCHOOL 2 OF 8 THRIVING BEHAVIORS 4/13/2017 EESD MIDDLE SCHOOL 2 OF 8 THRIVING BEHAVIORS Thriving Indicator Definition Total Sample Gender M F Succeeds in School * Gets mostly As on report card 44 38 50 Values Diversity Places high importance on getting to know people of other racial/ethnic groups 73 66 80 * The question for success is worded differently in the MMW Survey compared to the A&B Survey. The criteria to be “successful” is harder for middle/high school. (There was only one question for this asset.) EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
THE POWER OF ASSETS TO PROMOTE EESD ELEMENTARY THRIVING INDICATORS 4/13/2017 THE POWER OF ASSETS TO PROMOTE EESD ELEMENTARY THRIVING INDICATORS EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
THE POWER OF ASSETS TO PROMOTE EESD MIDDLE THRIVING INDICATORS 4/13/2017 THE POWER OF ASSETS TO PROMOTE EESD MIDDLE THRIVING INDICATORS EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
WHAT IS OUR CALL TO ACTION? WHAT ARE NEXT STEPS? 4/13/2017 WHAT IS OUR CALL TO ACTION? WHAT ARE NEXT STEPS? What are the youth’s stories? What are they telling us? What questions do the results bring up? How can we use this information to inform our work? EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
A THANK YOU FROM PROJECT CORNERSTONE… 4/13/2017 A THANK YOU FROM PROJECT CORNERSTONE… for your support! for your partnership and collaboration in helping all youth! EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone
RESOURCES www.search-institute.org www.projectcornerstone.org 4/13/2017 RESOURCES www.search-institute.org www.projectcornerstone.org You can download the full reports of the 2016 surveys with County-wide data. info@projectcornerstone.org ziem@projectcornerstone.org EESD Developmental Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone EESD Assets Survey Presentation | ©2017 YMCA Project Cornerstone