The VIRGO DATA ANALYSIS Fulvio Ricci Department of Physics, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy & I.N.F.N. - Sezione di Roma CNRS (France): Lapp-Annecy, LAL-Orsay, SMA-Lyon, Obs-Nice and EPSCI-Paris INFN (Italy): Sezioni di Firenze/Urbino, LNF-Frascati, Perugia, Pisa and Roma-La Sapienza Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci TYPICAL RAW DATA FRAME (1 second) Sub-System Number of Signals Compressed Size Size of the Interf. (MByte) (MBbyte) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Environment 53 0.551 1.02 Injection 207 0.878 2.392 Suspension 703 2.708 8.817 Detection 254 2.360 5.454 Global Control 27 0.032 0.562 Calibration 2 0.021 0.088 Total 1272 6.45 18.72 + Trend Data 2000 signals For each ADC, a trend SMS, with the following signals: min, max, + mean, r.m.s. , slope max, c2 fit Frame Header 1 Structure FrameH General information: GPS time, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 6.7 Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci Raw data are transferred via network to Bologna and to Lyon At presents the transfer rate is 1 half the production rate Automatic procedure developed by EGO ( Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci Storage Needs Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci Signal Extraction and Data Analysis Basic Software used by VIRGO cernlib, Root_v3.10.02 , lam_pi v7.0.3, fftw v3.0.1 Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Data Analysis Organization in VIRGO VIRGO Data Analysis Coordinator (F. Ricci, Physics groups and coordinators: h reconstruction (F. Marion, Bursts (P. Hello,, Binary Coalescent (A. Vicerè,, Pulsar Search (S. Frasca,, Stochastic Background (G. Cella,, Noise Analysis (J. Y. Vinet, Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci Computational load: some figures of merit CONTINUOUS SIGNALS >1 TeraFlops substained CHIRPS ~ 300 Gflops COHERENT NETWORK ANALYSIS for CHIRPS >1 TeraFlops Other search classes have negligible impact Computational power and storage are structured in classes and hierarchically distributed in the computer centers in France (Lyon) and in Italy (Bologna) plus in the Virgo laboratories of the collaboration. Data production site Ego- Cascina; Tier 1 Lyon – IN2P3, Bologna - CNAF/INFN Tiers 2 Roma 1 (Continuous signals ) Napoli Use of GRID technology Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci Efficiency of about 90% Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci VIRGO @ INFN Tier1-Bologna) Computation in 2004 and 2005 In principle we have to balance the use of computational resources in Bologna and in Lyon 2004 --> 1 105 KSpecInt2K*hour 2005 --> 1.1 105 KSpecInt2K*hour Storage: 17 Tbyte of data (from E0 to C5) stored on disks, asked up to 20 Tbyte for 2004 Data flow 3 Mbytes/sec (transfer performed by a DELL bi-processor @ 1GHz) Automatic procedures for the data transfer (EGO --> Bologna --> Lyon) Preprocessing: 1 machine (DELL bi-processor @ 2.2 Ghz) Used also for the first data exchange exercise between LIGO and Virgo GRID Farm: 14 machines (12 WN, 1 SE and 1 CE) + 1 UI and 1 PBS server common for all the experiments. Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
VIRGO - resonant detectors data exchange VIRGO-ROG MOU for data exchange already approved VIRGO-AURIGA MOU for data exchange under preparation Discussion and meetings take place already between VIRGO and AURIGA and ROG independently. We plan to have the first joint meeting for defining the VIRGO/bar conicidence experiment on January 26th, 2005 Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci C4 run: ITF sensitivity C3 (April 2004) C4 (June 2004) 2.5 · 10-20 Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
C5 Recycled Interferometer 8 10-21 Hz -1/2 Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci C5 run vs LIGO history ‘without power recycling’ Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci
Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci Technical aspects of the Data Exchange: the use of Grid tools and the LSC - VIRGO case What is LDR (Lightweight Data Replicator)? It is a software tool developed by LIGO computer scientists (Scott Koranda and coll.) to allow copy/transfer/replication of large data sets among different sites. It is used for replication of data from LIGO scientific runs Which are its building blocks? GridFTP for fast rate data transfer; Globus Replica Location Service (RLS) for file location tracking; MySQL database for storing metadata; Globus Security Infrastructure (GSI) for client/server authentication. At present LDR is under test by the VIRGO - Napoli Cascina - December 2004 - Fulvio Ricci