20 Signs You Might Be Pregnant Compiled by Lexi Walters. Think you might be pregnant but aren’t sure whether it’s time to make a doctor’s appointment to find out for sure? Read a list of the very early symptoms of pregnancy. The only way to tell for sure if you’re pregnant is by having a doctor perform a blood test or sonogram. (Just because you have the symptoms listed doesn’t mean you’re expecting!) But if you need a place to start considering whether you are, here are 20 common signs you might be pregnant: Skipped period Tender breasts Spotting between periods Stretch marks Fatigue Nausea Vomiting Excess saliva Darkening of the areolas, the skin around your nipples Headaches Bloating Lightheadedness Vaginal discharge Stretching of pelvic ligaments Backaches Food cravings Bluish tinge to the vagina and cervix Increased need to urinate
Fetus 26 weeks
Fetal Development Month by Month
Baby Questions Comes from Amniotic Fluid Boy or Girl Development Face formation Eats and breaths Ultrasound How ultrasound works Comes out
Fetal Development Fetal Organs First Month (Embryo) Tracking Fetal Development Fetal Development Fetal Organs First Month (Embryo) Vital organs are forming and the brain and beginning of the spine are evident. Fifth Week Heart begins to beat and circulate blood; arm and led buds emerge; brain, spinal cord, and nervous system are established. Sixth Week Digestive system is forming and arms and legs begin to grow. Seventh Week The umbilical cord joins the embryo to the placenta; long bones and internal organs are developing. Second Month (Fetus) Human face, arms, legs, fingers, toes, elbows, knees, eyelids and bone cells are forming.
Fetal Development Twelfth Week Sex is distinguishable; fingers and toes are moving; teeth buds are present and the kidney and bladder form. Baby is 2-4" long and weighs an once or two. Sixteenth Week Baby moves and kicks, sleeps and wakes, swallows; hair forms, digestion becomes active; fetus is pick in color and has a large. 20 Weeks Spurt in baby's growth; internal organs are maturing; hair, eyebrows and lashes are present; baby increases storage of iron. Baby is 8-12" long and weighs 1/2 pound. 24 Weeks Baby's skin is wrinkled; covered by lanugo and vernix; and baby has an audible heartbeat.
Fetal Development 28 Weeks Most rapid growth; red and wrinkled; eyelids can open and close; baby storing large amounts of calcium and iron; fetus has a chance of surviving if born. Baby is 15" long and weighs 3 pounds. 32 Weeks Weight gain and rapid growth; settles in favorite position; valuable fat increases. 36 Weeks Baby gains 1/2 pound per week; bones of head are soft and flexible; baby has developed immunities. Baby is 18" long and weighs 6 pounds. Birth 38-42 Weeks Organs developed; respiratory system is mature.
Delivery Baby is in position Water breaks Cervix dilates to 10 cementers Baby is pushed through the birth canal Placenta is delivered
Delivery C - Section Regular delivery
Twins or Not Twins