About a Boy Exam structure
About a Boy exam structure 2 questions 1 hour 20 mins on first one 40 mins on second one
Characterisation Static and dynamic characters Will and Marcus are dynamic characters who undergo a profound change while Fiona is a static character who doesn't change much.
Duality The novel is told from alternating narrative perspectives, Will and Marcus which creates a sense of duality in the novel The novel is centred on a series of binary oppositions, fear and love, man and boy, maturity and immaturity.
Paradoxes There is also a paradoxical element to the novel with Marcus being the mature one and Will the immature one. Will is a self-obsessed, narcissistic individual who is afraid to let himself feel anything.
language Hornby employs simplistic language to explore quite complex themes which adds to the paradoxical nature of the book. He also employs a lot of humour in the book to create a sense of empathy in the reader.
Language The language of this novel is simple English. There are no foreign words in the novel, but there are words that are common in Britain that a reader from other parts of the world might not be familiar with. The grammar is also a little unfamiliar in some places, putting words in an order that readers from other parts of the world might not recognize but those in Britain consider normal, everyday conversation.
Language The language of the novel makes it clear to the reader that the writer is English and his characters are English as well. There are words and grammar usage that are common in Britain, giving the novel a definite sense of the culture and quirks of the people the characters in this book are defined by. The language gives the novel a sense of authenticity that makes the characters come to life, filling the pages with funny and confused people that the reader comes to care about.
language Furthermore, Hornby employs a lot of references to contemporary culture. For example.... (Culkin, Nirvana etc.) The effect of this is to create a profound sense of realism and represents the writers ideology. This gives voice to the common man. By doing this the writer is attempting to represent all levels of society.
About a Boy A/A* sentences Hornby uses very specific literary devices to create effect in this extract. Hornby places the book in third person narrative point of view. The effect of this is to give an omniscient perspective on the novels events. This creates a detached sense of objectivity which serves to really detail the inner workings of the characters, for example Marcus's deep shyness. Furthermore, this narrative point of view is split into two narrators, Will and Marcus. The effect of this is to create a kind of duality. We are given insight into a young boy and an older man.
Structure The chapters are from alternating viewpoints to provide a different narrative perspective. The effect of this is to give multiple perspectives on the events of the novel and provide a kind of alternative dimension. Also the trajectory of the novel goes from a very bleak fatalistic outlook to a very positive uplifting end.
Structure The novel is divided into thirty-six chapters. Each chapter is fairly short. The odd chapters are narrated by Marcus and the even chapters are narrated by Will. The novel is told both in exposition and dialogue, showing the story to the reader rather than just telling it. There is a good amount of internal monologue in this novel as well, showing how Will and Marcus have been motivated and made decisions that impact the overall plot of the novel.
Structure There is one main plot and multiple subplots in this novel. The main plot is about the budding and established relationship between the two main characters, Will and Marcus. One subplot follows Will as he makes up a son in order to join a single parents group so that he might meet single mothers to date. Another subplot follows the course of Fiona's deep depression and the impact it has on her son, Marcus. All these plots come to a satisfying conclusion at the end of the novel.
About a Boy (Other stuff) This novel can be seen as a celebration of the outsider. The writer uses simplistic language to address fundamentally complicated themes such as..... For example, the extract states that Marcus is '____.' He is also described as being '_________' Hornby's literary style is designed to derive maximum empathy from the reader for Marcus and his family.
Narrative perspective In terms of narrative perspective, this extract is an internal monologue which represents a subjective point of view and serves to give the interior workings of the mind of the character. This sense of interiority symbolises the fact that these characters are struggling with issues of morality, and what direction they should take their life in.
Stream of consciousness narrative At certain points, Hornby employs a stream of consciousness style narrative to indicate the inner thoughts of Marcus. In addition to this the use of common everyday language gives the novel authenticity. This further accentuates the sense of realism in the novel.