Project Management Methodology Planning for Human Resources
People Management - Team Build the right team Be prepared to changes Assign roles and responsibilities Monitor the team performance Support high spirit of the development team
Project Organizational Chart The chart shows a project assembled team structure Normally created first in roles, and then, has people assigned to the roles Mandatory roles: Product manager Technical leader These 2 roles must not be assigned to the same person
Organizational Chart Sample
RACI matrix Each team member must be assigned to specific task(s) shown in WBS In addition to that, for management and communication activities, RACI matrix is recommended Each team member should be assigned with one or more RACI features
RACI matrix RACI stand for R- responsibility, in other words, a doer A – accountability, one who is ultimately accountable C – Consultation, one who provides vision and advises I – Informed, one who is to be informed about the project performance
Resource loading Watch for correct resource loading when you assign people to the WBS tasks Apply resource levelling technique when someone is overloaded The technique suggests review of slack allowances in order to create a smoother distribution of resource usage Levelled resources require less management, lower costs, produce fewer personnel and accounting problems, improve morale
Build the right team Acquire required skills Have everyone understanding of the role and responsibilities Setup organizational model Motivate the team on the go Provide required training Project manager must be a leader by nature
Team models Business team Most often in use for regular IT projects Peer group headed by technical leader Team members are differentiated by the area of expertise All the members are equal Technical leader is supposed to make technical decision Most often in use for regular IT projects
Team models Chief-Performer Team Chief-performer is one with very high productivity and skills, much higher than the others’ He/she is supposed to do major part of work, including design and implementation The others are involved for help only Used for special kind of projects, where a special skill is required
Team models Feature team Team members represent different areas of the project development They all are responsible for the decisions made Often is created to resolve the issues, for example of bad performance
Security Projects Teams Access to sensitive data and technology dictates the need of Thorough background check Reliable references Particular level of security clearance
Planning for cost Work cost - the cost of work force engaged into the project. Calculated on the basis of rates Fixed cost – cost that does not depend on a task duration Material cost – the cost of consumable materials
Resource levelling Assign resources to the tasks Generate the resource usage report Request for resource levelling Resource levelling will eliminate overloading by splitting the tasks