Report from KMA 17th GSICS Executive Panel, Biot, 2-3 June 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Report from KMA 17th GSICS Executive Panel, Biot, 2-3 June 2016 Dohyeong Kim (NMSC/KMA) GSICS-EP-17, Biot, 2-3 June 2016

Agency update Overall satellite planning GEO-KOMPSAT-2A is planning to launch in May 2018 LEO (MW/IR sounder) : plan (~2022) Other major events affecting the agency or its participation in GSICS Himawari-8 operation and its application/utilization on weather and inter-calibration GRWG Chair GSICS-EP-17, Biot, 2-3 June 2016

Participation in EP, GDWG, GRWG Points of contacts/meeting participants: EP : Dohyeong Kim GRWG: Hyesook Lee/Dohyeong Kim GDWG: Jin Woo Main contribution to GDWG actions Create landing pages for the COMS satellite for linking to the OSCAR database Lead to take the presentation review pages of GPRCs webpage Main contribution to GRWG actions Join the demonstration mode of GEO-LEO calibration with IASI Visible channel calibration using DCC and Moon Contribution to SCOPE-CM appling GSICS correction to SST/insolation, and joining SCOPE IOGEO for GEO-GEO calibration Comments, feedback Recommended to investigate effects of the non-linearities in the COMS WV channel Recommended to assess uncertainties in double differences between COMS/MI and IASI-A and –B (e.g. as standard error) To implement the GSICS DCC process to promote KMA to demonstration product GSICS-EP-17, Biot, 2-3 June 2016

Current and prospective GSICS Products Status Comments GEO-LEO-IASI-A Demo Near real-time website GEO-LEO-AIRS Pre-demo Website GEO-LEO-IASI-B GEO-LEO-CrIS VISNIR-MOON Test op GIRO VISNIR-DCC-KMA/SNU Model based calibration VISNIR-Desert-KMA Simpson desert of Australia VISNIR-Cloud-KMA VISNIR-DCC-NASA Test Under development 2016 GSICS-EP-17, Biot, 2-3 June 2016

Highlights of KMA calibration activities(1/3) a scatter plot for 30 days data get a slope/intercept trend of slope for long period Ocean Desert Water Cloud DCC Scatter plot using ocean/desert/WC/DCC for all data until now slope= 0.861 intercept= 0.019 Time series of slopes and intercepts Results of Moon and DCC (RTM) Slope(moon)=-5.802% Slope(4 targets)=-5.717% GSICS-EP-17, Biot, 2-3 June 2016

Highlights of KMA calibration activities(2/3) Result of IASI SRF shift and the trend of TB bias for WV Period: Jan. 01.2014 - Dec.12.2014 Slop 0.9817 0.9837 Inter. 3.6385 3.9394 Original : Original MI + Original IASI Method1 : Original MI + IASI SRF shifted by +2.8cm-1 Method2 : Corrected MI + IASI SRF shifted by +3.4cm-1 COMS TB (K) WV(6.7μm) + IASI o IASI_2.8 Bias -0.8307 -0.0277 RMSE 0.4112 0.3905 TB Bias(COMS-LEO) (K) Slop 0.9817 0.9846 Inter. 3.6385 3.6457 COMS TB (K) IASI IASI_2.8 IASI_3.4 Bias -0.8307 -0.0277 -0.1051 RMSE 0.4112 0.3905 0.3882 + IASI o IASI_3.4 Bias -0.8307 -0.1051 RMSE 0.4112 0.3882 COMS TB (K) LEO TB (K)

Highlights of KMA calibration activities(3/3) Application of GSICS correction 1. Sea Surface Temperature (SST) 2. Insolation (INS, Shortwave Radiation) Area: 0-45°N, 105-160°E Data: COMS/MI IR data, GTS buoy SST data Study Area : 30-40°N, 120-130°E Data : COMS/MI Vis data, Pyranometer(Ground station) Daytime SST Nighttime SST (Variation Monthly RMSE) Pyranometer Bias=0.5377 Before Correction Bias=0.0928 Before Correction Bias=11.88 Before Correction (Variation Monthly Bias) Bias=2.22 After Correction Bias=0.0627 After Correction Bias=0.0208 After Correction GSICS-EP-17, Biot, 2-3 June 2016

User Requirements and Feedback about GSICS deliverables Satellite data users (internal or external) Application: reproduction of SST using GSICS correction Requirement : monthly/annual mean GSICS corrction Impact : increase in accuracy of SST Feedback : proper interval of GSICS correction Application: reproduced clear sky radiance to NWP Requirement : diurnal variation of GSICS corrction (biases) Impact : under investigation As a satellite operator Guideline for reproducing long-term data with application of GSICS correction GSICS-EP-17, Biot, 2-3 June 2016