Introduction AI is studied in overlapping fields like psychology, neuroscience and engineering, dealing with intelligent behaviour, learning, adaptation and usually developed using customised machines or computers AI is concerned with producing machines to automate tasks requiring intelligent behaviour AI means the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, the ability to answer diagnostic and consumer questions, handwriting, natural language and face recognition and so forth. BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Definition of Artificial Intelligent The terms "agent" and "intelligent agent" are ambiguous and have been used in two different, but related senses, which are often confused. In computer science, an intelligent agent (IA) is a software agent that assists users and will act on their behalf, in performing non-repetitive computer-related tasks In artificial intelligence, the same term is used for intelligent actors, which observe and act upon an environment, to distinguish them from intelligent thinkers isolated from the world BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Definition of Artificial Intelligent An agent in this sense of the word is an entity that is capable of perception and action Such an agent might be a robot or an embedded real time software system - and is intelligent if it interacts with its environment in a manner that would normally be regarded as intelligent if that interaction were carried out by a human being An intelligent agent in the first sense might be implemented using conventional software techniques and display no more intelligence than a conventional computer program BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Natural versus AI Advantages of AI over Natural Intelligence (NI) : Advantages of Natural Intelligence (NI) over AI: AI is permanent whereas NI is perishable NI is creative, whereas AI is rather uninspired. In AI, tailored knowledge must be built into a carefully constructed system AI offers ease of duplication whereas transferring a body of knowledge from one person to another is a lengthy process NI enables people to benefit by the use of sensory experience directly, whereas AI system must work with symbolic input BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Natural versus AI Advantages of AI over Natural Intelligence (NI) : Advantages of Natural Intelligence (NI) over AI: AI can be less expensive than NI Perhaps the most importantly, human reasoning is able to make use at all times of a wide context of experience and to deal an individual problem, whereas AI systems typically gain their power by having a very narrow focus AI, being computer technology, is consistent and thorough whereas NI is erratic (not consistent) BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Natural versus AI Advantages of AI over Natural Intelligence (NI) : Advantages of Natural Intelligence (NI) over AI: AI can be documented whereas natural intelligence is difficult to reproduce because the person that makes the decision might forget at a later date why he made such decision The advantages of NI over AI result in many limitations of Expert System BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Definition of Expert System Expert systems Case Based Reasoning - apply reasoning capabilities to reach a conclusion. An expert system can process large amounts of known information and provide conclusions based on them - stores a set of problems and answers in an organized data structure called cases - system upon being presented with a problem finds a case in its knowledge base that is most closely related to the new problem and presents its solutions as an output with suitable modifications BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
The AI Field AI can be classified into several fields according to applied areas of commercial applications such as the following: Expert System Natural Language Processing Speech (Voice) Understanding Robotics and Sensory Systems Computer Vision Intelligent Computer-Aided Instruction (ICAI) Case-Based Reasoning / Neural Networks BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
ES Structure Human Expert Problem Solving BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
ES Structure Expert System Problem Solving BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
ES Characteristic Mainly include: Neural networks: systems with very strong pattern recognition capabilities Fuzzy systems: techniques for reasoning under uncertainty, have been widely used in modern industrial and consumer product control systems Evolutionary computation: applies biologically inspired concepts such as populations, mutation and survival of the fittest to generate increasingly better solutions to the problem BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Conventional versus AI Conventional Systems Expert Systems Knowledge and processing are combined in one sequential program Knowledge base is clearly separated from the processing (inference) mechanism (knowledge rules are separated from the control) Programs do not make mistakes (only programmers do) Program may make mistakes BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Conventional versus AI Conventional Systems Expert Systems Do not usually explain why input data are needed or how conclusions were drawn Explanation is a part of most expert systems The system operates only when it is completed The system can operate with only a few rules (as a first prototype) Execution is done on a step-by-step (algorithmic) basis Execution is done by using heuristics and logic BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Conventional versus AI Conventional Systems Expert Systems Needs complete information to operate Can operate with incomplete or uncertain information Effective manipulation of large databases Effective manipulation of large knowledge bases Representation and use of data Representation and use of knowledge Efficiency is a major goal Effectiveness is a major goal Easily deals with quantitative data Easily deals with qualitative data BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Tools for Developing ES Three approaches in building an ES - languages: use a programming languages (usually AI language) - use a shell - use an AI environment (or toolkit) 1. Languages ES may be written in symbolic languages, e.g. LISP, or PROLOG or in conventional high level languages such as FORTRAN, C and PASCAL BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Tools for Developing ES 2. Expert System Shells - A shell is a program that can be used to build expert systems. ES shell performs three major functions - Assists in building the knowledge base by allowing the developer to insert knowledge into knowledge representation structures - Provides methods of inference or deduction that reason on the basis of information in the knowledge base and new facts input by the user - Provides an interface that allows the user to set up reasoning task and query the system about its reasoning strategy BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM
Tools for Developing ES 3. AI Environments or Toolkits More expensive & powerful than languages or shells Advantage of using toolkits: They provide a variety of knowledge representation techniques such as rules and frames (inheritance) The actual figures for different development tools used by expert system builders in the UK Conventional Languages AI languages Expert system Shells Toolkits 11% 23% 56% BIC 3337 EXPERT SYSTEM