Birth Control and Contraception Safe Sex
What methods do you know? Column 1 – MALE Column 2 - FEMALE
Unreliable Methods of Birth Control Methods that do NOT give you a high percentage of protection 1. Washing the vagina after sexual intercourse (douching) 2. Withdrawal – having unprotected sex, and just before ejaculation removing the penis 3. Rhythm Method – where you plan to have unprotected sex during periods where the woman is not ovulating. However, ovulation periods are not always regular. Why are these unreliable methods?
Method #1 - Abstinence Sustaining from any sexual intercourse as well as any bodily fluid exchanges Abstinence is the only 100% way that you will not become pregnant or contract an STI
Method #2 – Male and Female Condom 98% effective for preventing pregnancy and contraction of STI’s. If combined with a spermicidal foam it has up to 99.9% effectiveness Not to be used together, or more than one condom at one!
Method #2 – Male and Female Condom (Continued) Female – inserted inside the vagina, and catches any fluid that comes in. Advantages of both – high rate of protection against both STI’s and pregnancy IF used properly and combined with spermicidal foam. Inexpensive
Method # 3 – Diaphragm and Foam Diaphragm is inserted inside the females Must be fitted by a doctor because size is individual. Function to catch any sperm that comes towards uterus Effectiveness – High when combined with foam, but low for STI. Advantages – Can be reused 1 to 3 years Disadvantages –May not protect against STI’s
Method #4 -Birth Control Hormones (Pill) BCP’s are taken daily, there are approximately 30 pills in a pack with 5 being placebos. Female takes one a day to give body hormone, takes sugar pill to keep consistent. Pill tricks body with hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) making it think it is pregnant, therefore no ovulation (egg release) and therefore there is no egg in the uterus to get fertilized.
Birth Control Hormones (Pill, Patch, Injection) Birth Control pills all vary by individuals. Amount of hormone is set by doctor, therefore these need prescriptions. Advantages – easy, inexpensive Disadvantages – does not protect against STI’s, not 100% for pregnancy. Have to remember to take on a regular basis.
Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP) Morning After Pill The ECP is a pill that is taken after the intercourse has occurred. Must be taken within 72 hours of sexual intercourse EMERGENCY ONLY: Only should be used in the following cases: Unwanted Sex Failed Contraceptive
ECP Advantages – good for cases of unwanted sex or failed contraceptive Disadvantages – makes individual very sick.
Surgical Methods – Typical with older people who have already had children Vasectomy (Male - the snip) Occurs when the male undergoes surgery, and has his vas deferens (tubes from testicles to urethra) cut. No sperm will make it to the urethra. Sperm dissolves into the blood.
Possible for error? Yes, it could be possible tubes were not cut properly. It is reversible It does not prevent STI’s
Surgical Methods Tubal Ligation (Female) Her fallopian tubes are both cut and “tied” and therefore no egg can reach the uterus Egg is absorbed in the body and sent out with other wastes Is a reversible procedure