Smart Solar Charging: role of municipality Smart Urban Governance 29 March 2017 Inge van de Klundert Hier komt ook tekst
Urban Strategy 2030 Sustainable Growth of the city Healthy living 1) Growth of the city increasing to 400.000 inhabitants (from 330.000 inhabitants): challenge and chances 2) Sustainable development: energy transition… fossil free 2030 and circular city 3) Improvement of public space: shared spaces, more green, heal thy living 4) Zero emission mobility, smart mobility (mobility as a service) Healthy living Mobility
Zero emission transport 2025 ZE-bus and cargo distribution ZE scooters 2020 2035 ZE cars (shared cars programs) Fossil free fuels
Role of municipality Circle of control: responsible, law enforcement, facilitating….. - Facilitating charging infrastructure and parking spaces (325 charging poles: growing to 400 in 2017) on demand in private and public spaces - Grants (e- scooters in food delivery, innovative freight solutions) - Low emission zone (including scrapping schema, demolishment of old cars: 3400 cars) Fossil free concession bus transport (from July 2017 10 electric busses, from 2019 100 electric busses) Smart solar charging, we drive solar (car sharing systems) Green deals: zero emission freight, public transport, mobile equipment
Up scaling to business cases How to as a municipality? For example in a new strategy: mobility as a service; needs much courage and consistency Open data/ ICT to invoke innovation and business cases: needs funding
And… For up scaling: Research Lobby ing networks Funding (EFRO, Smart Cities Lighthouse)