Dreams Realized: Technology for HOME Melanie Fry, Minnesota Department of Human Services Sue Redepenning, LiveLife Therapy Solutions
Person Centered Needs Drive = Person Centered Visits
Key Programs:
Marketing Outreach: Assessments/training
People Served by Program:
Participants by Age:
96% of People say T4H Helped: Person Survey (at initial AT Consultation) There 102 new responses; of these 37 were people TFH saw, 65 were family or the guardian Question Response Do you have goals for how the assistive technology (AT) solutions will help? 100% Yes Do you feel that the AT solutions discussed today will be helpful? Do you feel that the solutions can be used independently? 96% Yes Person Survey (at Six Month Follow Up) There were 119 new responses to this survey Question Response Are any of the AT solutions that you have received helpful? 93% Yes Is more assistance needed? 39% Yes
Questions Melanie Fry, Agency Policy Specialist | Disability Services Division Sue Redepenning OTR/L, ATP | Program Director
Thank you for coming…. www.technologyforhome.org Melanie Fry, Department of Human Services, Melanie.fry@state.mn.us Sue Redepenning, LiveLife Therapy Solutions, sue@LiveLifeTherapySolutions.com