African Wild Ass By: Tobias Ziegler
Appearance Body length: 200cm Tail length: 45cm Weight: 200 to 250kg
Habitat The African Wild Ass lives in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia. The African Wild Ass is suited for life in the desert, capable of going on for up to three days without drinking water
Diet The African Wild Ass eats hard, dry plants like grasses, bark, and leaves.
Why is it endangered? There are only a few hundred left in the wild. African wild asses have been captured for domestication (adoption) for centuries, also other killing animals have caused a distinct decline in the population numbers. They are also hunted for food and for traditional medicine in both Ethiopia and Somalia. They are hunted for there fur.
How are people helping? There are breeding farms. Law requires protection nowadays. People give them water to survive in the dessert. They are give medical attention if needed.
Facts The African wild ass belongs to the horse family. Its color is Grey. Its Latin Name is Equus Africanus