Blood & tissue protozoa of humans Trypanosoma Leishmania Malaria
Trypanosoma Species pathogenic to man: T gambiense T rhodesiense T cruzi
Morphology Fusiform, Nucleus in the middle, posterior kinetoplast , anterior free flagellum
Movement Reproduction Nourishment( blood, lymph , C.S.F) Culture: NNN medium.
Life cycle Ulternate existence in vertebrate &invertebrate host.
T. gambiense( mid African sleeping sickness) Vertebrate host : Man Invertebrate host : Tse Tse fly Glossina
Epidemiology West & central Africa Transmission : bite of tse tse fly ( after cyclic development of parasite). Mechanical : During epidemics.
Pathology & symptomatology: Acute stage : blood & lymph Chronic stage : C.S.F. Incubation period:
Acute stage Chronic stage
Trypanosoma rhodesiense ( East African sleeping sickness) Life cycle: Morphology: Pathogenicity : More rapid ,severe, fatal than gambian Tryp.
Trypanosoma cruzi ( American tryponosomiasis) Morphology: Life cycle: Vertebrate host (human , domesticated & wild animals) Invertebrate host: Reduviid bugs .
Epidemiology Pathology & symptoms: In the blood : Trypanosomal form In the cells : Amastigote form. Invade skeletal , cardiac & other muscle fibers
Symptoms The most common are cardiac & GIT symptoms.
Diagnosis Treatment: Nitrofuran.