That’s Not Fair Matthew 20:1-16.


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Presentation transcript:

That’s Not Fair Matthew 20:1-16

It all begins with grace.

It all begins with grace. The vineyard owner

It all begins with grace. The vineyard owner The vineyard owner is generous.

It all begins with grace. The vineyard owner The vineyard owner is generous. The vineyard owner is compassionate.

It all begins with grace. The vineyard owner The vineyard owner is generous. The vineyard owner is compassionate. The vineyard owner is unbiased.

It all begins with grace. The vineyard owner The vineyard owner is generous. The vineyard owner is compassionate. The vineyard owner is unbiased. The vineyard owner gives everyone the same reward.


Application The vineyard owner is God.

Application The vineyard owner is God. The hired hands are all those who received salvation.

Application The vineyard owner is God. The hired hands are all those who received salvation. The denarius is the grace of God.

Application The vineyard owner is God. The hired hands are all those who received salvation. The denarius is the grace of God. Those who were hired at different times represent whose who received salvation at various times throughout their life.

Application The vineyard owner is God. The hired hands are all those who received salvation. The denarius is the grace of God. Those who were hired at different times represent whose who received salvation at various times throughout their life. Those who receive grace are up to God, because God is generous, compassionate and unbiased.