The seasons story
When Summer came, Spring was still around When Summer came, Spring was still around. Summer gave her a bunch of tulips and roses and said: “Dear Spring, I love you; don’t go. Stay with me!” But Spring turned around and went. She did not love Summer.
Summer was so upset that it ran high fever Summer was so upset that it ran high fever. It felt very hot and its rays started burning everything they touched.
Some time passed and Autumn came. She loved Summer Some time passed and Autumn came. She loved Summer. “Don’t go, stay with me. I love you, dear Summer!”, she said and gave it an abundance of fruits and vegetables. However, Summer was still in love with Spring, so it went away.
Autumn cried and cried so much that all the forests, fields, roads and houses were wet. She was sad from morning till dusk. Summer never came back.
Soon came white Winter with her son Frost who loved Autumn and told her: “Do not cry, golden Autumn! I love you so much that I will build you an ice palace; I will build bridges over the river and will sing you pretty songs.” But golden Autumn loved Summer and did not stay with Frost.
He was very angry that he made cold wind blow and it started snowing He was very angry that he made cold wind blow and it started snowing. Everything went white overnight. “Don’t be upset, son”, said mother Winter, “because Spring loves you!” “Dear mother, I am afraid of her because she will make me melt”, answered Frost.
One lovely day Spring flew in. She gave Winter a bunch of blue crocuses. “Tell me, granny Winter, where is your son Frost?” “My son is afraid of you, go away!” said Winter, took her son Frost and ran far far away from Spring.
Now it was Spring’s turn to be sad. She started weeping Now it was Spring’s turn to be sad. She started weeping. After a couple of days she looked around, smiled and thought: “Why am I sad – I am young, pretty and have so much to do before Summer comes.” So she stopped crying and got to work – the snow melted, the rivers started running again, the grass turned green, the trees were in blossom; the birds came and started singing…