inside the walls Problems 3. Nehemiah let us rise and build The Kettering Weekend March 2016
Structure OVERVIEW A | Context B | the cry of the poor C | Nehemiah’s response D | Principles: love of brethren INTERACTION OVERVIEW SESSION 3
QUESTIONS QUESTIONS Why did the Jews oppress one another? Can we oppress our brothers and sisters? What did Nehemiah do about it? What can we do about it? QUESTIONS SESSION 3
Structure OVERVIEW A | Context B | the cry of the poor C | Nehemiah’s response D | Principles: love of brethren OVERVIEW SESSION 3
Nehemiah 4-6 CONTEXT All in 52 days! SESSION 3 Sanballat threatens of fight (4:1-23) INTERNAL Jews oppressing one another (5:1-19) EXTERNAL Sanballat et al. plan to harm Nehemiah (6:1-9) INTERNAL Jewish false prophets + prophetesses (6:10-14) All in 52 days! EXTERNAL CONTEXT SESSION 3
Structure OVERVIEW A | Context B | the cry of the poor C | Nehemiah’s response D | Principles: love of brethren OVERVIEW SESSION 3
Brothers BROTHERS against their Jewish brothers (5:1) our flesh is like the flesh of our brothers (5:5) our Jewish brothers (5:8) sell your brothers (5:8) I, my brothers and my servants (5:10) BROTHERS NEHEMIAH 5
The poor Jews’ complaint Size large group Mortgage houses and vineyards Tax borrowed money to pay taxes Slaves sold children to slavery Interest lending at interest THE POOR’S CRY NEHEMIAH 5
The law of Moses THE POOR’S CRY NEHEMIAH 5 Principle Law of Moses Lending encouraged If one of your brothers becomes poor…you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. (Deut 15:8) Re-mortgaging/ seizing collateral When you make a loan…You shall stand outside, and the man to whom you make the loan shall bring the pledge out to you. (Deut 24:11) Selling children as slaves When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. (Ex 21:7) Charging interest You shall not charge interest on loans to your brother, interest on money, interest on food, interest on anything that is lent for interest. (Deut 23:19) THE POOR’S CRY NEHEMIAH 5
Structure OVERVIEW A | Context B | the cry of the poor C | Nehemiah’s response D | Principles: love of brethren INTERACTION OVERVIEW SESSION 3
Nehemiah’s response RESPONDING I consulted with myself Contended with the nobles RESPONDING NEHEMIAH 5
Compare Leviticus 25:17-43 and Nehemiah 5 INTERACTION Why does Nehemiah ask them to ‘walk in the fear of God’ (5:9,15)? Can we apply this to us? Compare Leviticus 25:17-43 and Nehemiah 5 Also cp. 1 John 4:11 FEAR OF GOD NEHEMIAH 5
FEAR OF GOD NEHEMIAH 5 Nehemiah 5 Leviticus 25 ‘their Jewish brothers’ (5:1) ‘that your brother may live with you’ (25:36) ‘eat and live’ (5:2) ‘may live with you’ (25:36) ‘to be slaves’ (5:5) ‘as a slave’ (25:39) ‘exacting usury’ (5:7) ‘take no interest from him’ (25:36,37) ‘according to our ability have redeemed’ (5:8) ‘himself be able to redeem it’ (25:26) ‘which were sold to the nations’ (5:8) ‘slaves...from among the nations’ (25:44) ‘sell...sold’ (5:8) ‘if thy sold unto thee’ (25:39) ‘fear of our God’ (5:9) ‘fear of God’ (5:15) ‘you shall not wrong one another; but you shall fear your God’ (25:17) ‘take thou no interest from him...: but fear your God’ (25:36) ‘You shall not rule over him ruthlessly but shall fear your God’ (25:43) FEAR OF GOD NEHEMIAH 5
Nehemiah’s response RESPONDING I consulted with myself Contended with the nobles Explains wider impact Tasks the rich to a) stop the charging of interest and b) restore their lands etc. and c) repay the interest charged RESPONDING NEHEMIAH 5
Structure OVERVIEW A | Context B | the cry of the poor C | Nehemiah’s response D | Principles: love of brethren OVERVIEW SESSION 3
By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.