at The Hollyfield School Teaching and Learning at The Hollyfield School Every child, every day
The Hollyfield 5 Planning Learning environment Engagement Assessment for Learning Progress
5 in 5 (A ‘to do list’ for our students) Planners out and open to the RAG pages Stationery out and ready Date and title (underlined) Lesson objectives read and understood Starter activity completed
Confidence Indicators Use of RAG system to prioritise support and extend learning
Excellent Practice at Hollyfield The language of challenge Differentiated resources, including covert ops Team roles and groupings Targeted questioning Work stations Student as teacher Flipped learning Next Key Stage up Thinking/talking hats
Explore Shakespeare’s Language Main Activity – Translating your insults Explore Shakespeare’s Language You will be provided with an Elizabethan Insult Dictionary. In your groups, try to work out what each of your insults mean. Write down each of the insults from your group and explain how the language used by Shakespeare makes it so insulting. Your expert will explain the difference between the Shakespearean pronouns. All teachers must Model and Teach this section i.e. go through the activity, model and teach students the main concepts and CHECK their understanding As a group you will attempt to translate whole insults and explain their meaning. You will identify the meaning of some of the insults You will translate all insults and understand the Shakespearean pronouns. SMSC Lesson Focus: collaboration
A range of learning activities, within and beyond the classroom Technology and mobile learning Collaborative work and SMSC Cross-curricular projects and themed weeks International schools accreditation Student voice Extra-curricular activities Excursions, including CAS Day Holly Wood
CAS Days
Holly Wood
Exciting and meaningful home learning, including… Prep for next lesson e.g.: Pre-reading Choosing words or images Starter activity Questions for the session Flipped classroom Find/make and bring Active watching/listening Revision of key concepts or terms Fact-finding/research (including interviews) Or: Presentations (including video) Projects over several weeks Takeaway menus (starter, main and dessert or mild, spicy, hot) Mark a sample paper, using a mark scheme
The learning environment: Celebrating students’ work…
Key words & concepts
Our website