Autonomy – off-grid ready housing Solar panels Construction Water Heating Electricity Food Sewage Transportation Learning Goods (Furniture, Clothes, ...) Sewage digester Green waste wood chip compost Water tank toilet CH4 cooking Ground heating combustion car generator Vegetable garden Reet beet mobility electricity
Energy Autonomy Biomeiler / wood compost → heat (30..70 °C) anaerobe fermentation → methane (CH4) methane combustion → heat + electricity (e-) wood gasification
Motivation “free market” - rigid & controlled Intransparent – few get big picture Disables to take Avoidance to take responsibility People stop caring because of feeling insecure / dependent Missing Information about empowering alternatives Some know, less act. Why? Insufficien will, self confidence, time & finance Needs training of leading skills to make one self operational How to become independent of corporate energy and globalized factory? What skills and tools are needed? How much space does it take? What does it cost? Can you do it for me?
How to become independent of corporate energy?
Financing models Crowdsourced Private credit EcoCredit Biogas Bank Development community friends & followers Crowdsourced X people pay cost/X Microcredits by Y person Vouched GLS bank credit EcoCredit GLS bank Umweltbank Ethikbank Biogas Bank X% construction is funded X% of sold gas is forwarded to amortize credit X decreases by every payment