Title of Proposal Objective Research Impact Illustrative Figure Principal Investigator (s) Objective Concise statement of objective for the resource Research Impact What new FUNDAMENTAL insights or knowledge will be gained? Why and how will it positively impact the community locally, regionally, and state wide. Illustrative Figure(s) Illustrative Figure Illustrative Figure Figure title or brief explanation Figure title or brief explanation. Innovation What research challenges will it overcome? What’s novel about your approach with respect to your research peers? Think state-wide, nationally, and internationally Sustainability Plan How will you sustain the community collaboration? Additional funding sources to pursue Instructions: Include a short descriptive title for the proposal. Principal Investigator should be listed as first author, with co-investigators listed alphabetically. Information should be added to each bullet following each topic in normal text (not bold or italics). 1-2 images may be included to clarify request or to emphasize the impact of the request. Please ensure images are of sufficient size to ensure any text or critical details are clearly legible. 2018 Community Engaged Research Seed Program