Session 6: TENDER WRITING: HOW TO WRITE A WINNING TENDER Giulia de Leva & Alessandra Porcacchia Ega Professional Congress Organisers
EGA EXPERIENCE Long-term experience with: Session 6: TENDER WRITING: HOW TO WRITE A WINNING TENDER EGA EXPERIENCE Long-term experience with: Tender to be appointed as PCO for the organisation of events (congresses, meetings, conventions, etc) Tender to be appointed as long term PCO for International Scientific, Technical or Professional Associations Tender to be appointed as long term PCO for EU Directorates-General events Tender to be appointed as provider of services to the EU
Technical or Professional Associations Session 6: TENDER WRITING: HOW TO WRITE A WINNING TENDER Tender to be appointed as long term PCO for National and International Scientific, Technical or Professional Associations lobbying with International Board/decision makers (national representatives in the Board) location of PCO headquarters in Europe destination of congresses around the world good expertise of the locations where conferences will be held low prices Tender to be appointed as long term PCO for Directorates-General of EU lobbying with EU DG PCO office branch in Brussels best quality/price ratio Tender to be appointed as provider of services to the EU good capacity of negotiating onsite services
HOW IMPORTANT IS A TENDER RESPONSE IN THE OVERALL SELECTION PROCESS? Session 6: TENDER WRITING: HOW TO WRITE A WINNING TENDER HOW IMPORTANT IS A TENDER RESPONSE IN THE OVERALL SELECTION PROCESS? The challenge in writing a tender response is to submit a proposal that emphasises the strengths and added-value benefits and differentiates it from other applicants. The evaluation normally gives scores to: CLARITY AND CONFORMITY CASE STUDIES (if any) TECHNICAL QUALITY -PRICING Among those criteria of selection a starting point to structure the tender response is to take into consideration the SCORE SYSTEM in the overall selection process.
HOW IMPORTANT IS A TENDER RESPONSE IN THE OVERALL SELECTION PROCESS? Session 6: TENDER WRITING: HOW TO WRITE A WINNING TENDER HOW IMPORTANT IS A TENDER RESPONSE IN THE OVERALL SELECTION PROCESS? The TECHNICAL QUALITY of the tender which is submitted to the scoring system means the capacity of understanding the requirements and giving proper answers, i.e. good comprehension of client’s expectations. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND AVAILABILITY The clear description of the working method for the execution of tasks is scored and it’s crucial for the evaluation commission - Human resources (Work team, Curricula) - IT resources Work team tasks and activities Schedule PRICING The contract is normally awarded to the tender offering “the best value for money” corresponding to the offer with the best quality/price ratio. In offers presented to International Associations low prices are considered a plus
TAILORED VERSUS GENERIC TENDERS: Session 6: TENDER WRITING: HOW TO WRITE A WINNING TENDER TAILORED VERSUS GENERIC TENDERS: IS THERE ALWAYS VALUE IN A TAILORED TENDER? A good tender response normally should be: - free of significant errors and/or omissions. If the call for tender is not clear, it’s better to ask questions than try to understand or to interpret! - creative and persuasive tailored to the exact requirements of the contract: no services which have not been requested in the call should be described (it can create confusion!!!) - detailed with supporting evidence and additional documentation clearly referenced structured and compiled in line with the instructions to tenders set out in line with the evaluation criteria and their associated weightings clearly written and legible inclusive of any added value to the contract (if applicable) A good tender does not mean that it will be a winning tender, but it stands a greater chance of becoming one!