Department for occupational standards development OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS AS A BASIS FOR VET AND FOR ACCREDITATION OF NONFORMAL LEARNING EMCET 2, Budapest, 9. 11. 2006 Department for occupational standards development
HISTORY OF STANDARDS Phare Support Programs 1996 – 98 in VET (Introduction of Dual System in VET, Social partnership) Phare – Mocca Programme 1998 – 2000 (Modernisation of curricula, accreditation of nonformal learning and assessment of vocational education for youth and adults in Slovenia)
2 WAYS OF ACQUIRING NATIONAL VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Legal bases 1: ‘The Act on VET’ defines acquiring of the national vocational qualification through formal educational programmes and modules (Resposibility of Ministry of Education)
2 WAYS OF ACQUIRING NATIONAL VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATION Legal bases 2: The “Act on National Occupational Qualifications” defines acquiring of the national vocational qualification through the procedure of assessment / accreditation of non-formal learning (Resposibility of Ministry of Labour)
SOCIAL PARTNERS Trade unions Chambers / employers’ organisations Ministries
SECTORAL COMMITEES FOR OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Composed of representatives of socials partners Make a decision on development of new / update of existiting occupational standards Steer a process of the development of occupational standards Responsible for a coherent qualification structure in sectors
KEY WORDS OCCUPATION is a statistical and analytical unit into which the work that is similar in content and complexity, and normally done by one individual, is classified. NATIONAL VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATION is formally recognized on the basis of national vocational standards and acquired on the basis of verified education programmes or through the procedure for assessment and verification of national vocational qualifications. VOCATIONAL STANDARD defines contents of national vocational qualification on a certain level of efficiency and defines knowledge, skills and vocational competence. Assures tranparency and quality of learning results. VOCATIONAL COMPETENCE is the proven ability to use knowledge, skills and competences for creative, efficient and ethical performance in complex and changing vocational conditions and in social in private life.
OCCUPATIONAL STANDARD Occupational competencies defined at a certain level Professional knowledge and skills needed to perform these tasks
EXAMPLE OF OCCUPATIONAL STANDARD HOLIDAY ACTIVITY ORGANIZER / ESCORT ANIMATEUR 8120.001.5.0 Standard Clasification of Occupations ANIMATOR IN TOURISM 5145.04 Proficiency level V. Professional Competencies Candidate: plans, prepares, carries out and controles his/her own work pays regard to the measures of rational consumption of energy, material and time protects health and environment communicates with co-workers, experts and customers communicates with guests fluently in two foreign languages and speaks one foreign language on basical level develops enterprising qualities, skills and behavior accepts and informs guests organizes and carries out walks and excursions organizes and carries out day time animation organizes and carries out evening animation organizes and carries out sport and recreative animation organizes and carries out special thematic events
PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS CORE TASKS FIELDS OF ACTIVITIES makes arrangements with marketing department makes out plan of receptions and giving out information for guests accepts guests explains guests house rules and offer of the hotel explains guests the programme presents the place and its offer to guests Operative activities prepares and makes out requisits prepares prizes makes out notices and information for guests makes out internal notices (for co-workers) on events prepares room for animation Preparation of work and working place gathers information on local events prepares annual, monthly, weekly and daily plan of work independently plans and defines methods and techniques of work composes animation programmes for guests prepares individual programmes for guests reaches prompt decisions in case of urgent changes of activities and events is acquainted with basic rules of organisation of work and enterprise organizes his/her own work and work of working group for carrying out an event Analysis, planning and organisation of work PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS CORE TASKS FIELDS OF ACTIVITIES
EQF IN SLOVENIA EQF is still in development Responsible institution is not yet defined
REQUIREMENTS FOR TEACHING IN VET General requirement is university degree in teaching or professional university degree with additional exams in teaching Professional requirements depend on vocational field