General Guidelines of the User Policy for the Spectrometers Complex of IBR-2М Reactor D.P. Kozlenko Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia
IBR-2 Reactor Spectrometers Complex – the main JINR basic facility for condensed matter physics research with neutrons 10 available neutron spectrometers - DN-2, HRFD, DN-12, YuMO, REMUR, REFLEX, SKAT, EPSILON, NERA-PR, DIN-2PI 3 new spectrometers projects under realization – DN-6, GRAINS, FSD
Priority directions of research I. Nanosystems and Nanotechnologies II. Biomedical Research III. Novel Materials IV. Engineering Diagnostics. Earth Sciences Theme 04-4-1069-2009/2011
Time-sharing (all spectrometers) User programme realization in 2006 Time-sharing (all spectrometers) FLNP (35%) External fast (10%) IBR-2 operational time: ~2000 hours/year Number of experiments: ~150 per year External users: ~100 per year External regular (55%) User statistics Others (Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Belarus, Ukraine, etc) - 19% FLNP, 25% France, 3% Poland, 5% Germany, 17% Russia, 31%
Fast Access Applications The User Policy regulates an access to spectrometers complex of IBR-2M for internal users and users from general scientific community, including outside and inside ones The access to experiments on IBR-2 spectrometers is permitted only on application basis. Applications Regular Applications Fast Access Applications Submission electronically before deadline No deadline Short experiments Review Process Decision is taken by Responsible for User Policy
Commissions membership in 2005: Regular Applications Diffraction • Dr. H. Tietze-Jaensch, FZ Julich, Germany; • Dr. P. Mikula, Nuclear Institute of Czech Academy of Science, Prague, Czech Republic; • Prof. V.A. Somenkov, Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia Review Process Inelastic scattering • Prof. Dr. P. Alexeev, Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia; • Dr. W. Zajak, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kracow, Poland • Dr. I. Padureanu, National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest, Romania Instrument Scientist Neutron optics • Dr. H. Lauter, ILL Grenoble, France; • Prof. Dr. D. L. Nagy, KFKI Budapest, Hungary; • Prof. Dr. A.I. Okorokov, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia. Expert’s comissions Small angle scattering • Dr. G. Pepy, Laboratoire Brillouin, Saclay, France; • Prof. A.N. Ozerin, Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials, Moscow, Russia; • Dr. J. Pleshtil, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry Prague, Czech Rep.; • Prof. Dr. J. Teixeira, Laboratoire Brillouin, Saclay, France.
Planned neutron beamtime distribution The experimental schedule for the spectrometers is planned according to applications ranking by Expert’s commissions Planned neutron beamtime distribution FLNP (35%) External fast (10%) External regular (55%) Every user experiment performed at IBR-2 should be followed by an experimental report within 6 months after experiment has been performed
Expenses For the users coming from the Member States or States having special agreements with JINR, the daily allowance and hotel expenses are supported by JINR. Theme 04-4-1069 -2009/2011 “Investigations of Nanosystems and Novel Materials by Neutron Scattering Methods” International scientific and technical cooperation - 87 kUSD (now) In 2006 – 120 kUSD It essential to increase financing of international scientific and technical cooperation up to a level of 2006 year at least (120 kUSD) for the effective realization of the User Policy after IBR-2M start in the end of 2010
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