Starter Tasks
1.1 The Calling of the Twelve What is the nature of discipleship that is revealed in this passage? Anyone can be disciple- you can be forgiven Trust Jesus and put him first You must be prepared to change- follow Jesus’ teaching Become fishers of men
1.2 The Sending out of the 12 Why is the “sending out of the Twelve” important for Christians today? (8) We have authority over evil spirits We should not value personal possessions and should have faith in God All people are equal in the eyes of God. The message is for all Only spread the word to those who are open to it.
1.3 True Family What does this passage teach us about the cost of discipleship? (8) You could lose your family altogether You may not be able to have a family at all (priests) You may not be able to spend as much time with your family God has to be first which means that your family may not be a top priority You may need to decide not to have a family of your own so that you can concentrate on God. You will have to spend time with sinners and other’s that you do not want to see. These people are just as important as your family.
1.4 True Greatness How does this teaching cause problems for Christians today?(8) It could cost you your life. It is difficult to make this sacrifice It is difficult to give up possessions. How much should you give up? Difficult to sacrifice things that we do for fun. Why would God not want us to have fun? It is hard to maintain dignity/ pride when you have given everything away and have no authority
1.5 The Rich man How does the “Rich Man” cause problems for Christians today? (8) Should we all give up all our money If we give up our money then we will have to rely on hand-outs, surely this is bad. How should we interpret the metaphor? Is it rope, a gate or a camel? Why is it that keeping the commandments is not enough?
1.6 The Tenants Explain how important this parable is for Christians today (8) If we don’t keep the rules there will be consequences Even if we do keep the rules we could suffer We could die for our beliefs It shows how important Jesus is to us It shows that Jesus was the Son of God It explains the reason that Jesus is on earth It predicts his death. This shows that he has control of the situation It shows that Christianity is for everyone It shows how important the responsibility of leadership is
1.7 A spirit cast out by Jesus Why is this important for Christians today? (8) The importance of prayer We can cast out demons It is ok to fail sometimes, you can be forgiven The existence of evil spirits. We must avoid them but do have authority over them Should not take the bible literally always
1.8 The Parable of the Sower Why does this cause problems for Christians today? (8marks)
1.9 Jesus, the disciples and service What are the problems for Christians today in this passage? (8) Disciples fail Service is difficult We don’t want to do this- selfish Small things can be more difficult Difficult to change/ goes against culture Requires humility (to be humble) The Pope /vatican
1.10 Are The Disciples Really Failures? What can Christians today learn from this passage? (8) It is ok to be frightened. Jesus was. It is ok to fail. The spirit is willing but the body is weak. The disciples fell asleep but later succeeded. The importance of forgiveness. If we fail we can be forgiven Importance of prayer. Jesus prayed and succeeded. The disciples did not and so failed. Jesus predicts his death. God is in control. Suffering can be part of God’s plan
1.11 Peter denies knowing Jesus How could this passage encourage Christians today? (8) Peter failed here but went on to succeed. It is ok to fail. Don’t have to be perfect The fulfilled prophecy shows that Jesus is in control You can be forgiven It is ok to be frightened Suffering is for a reason. It is part of God’s plan and will lead to something good.
2.1 Jesus heals a paralysed man How did this healing lead to conflict? (8) Blasphemy Popularity He proves that the sins were forgiven Humiliation
2.2 Disagreements about the Sabbath How did the events lead to conflict with the Jewish authorities? (8) Humiliated the leaders Broke the law The authorities were looking for trouble Jesus showed his power in front of a crowd The authorities were wrong and Jesus had to cause conflict to allow changes to be made.
2.3 The trouble with the Law Why is this passage important for Christians today? (8 marks) Does not matter what you eat Fewer restrictions help cohesion Focus on all people rather than laws (regardless of religion) The sins mentioned all hurt others- we should avoid this
2.4 Jesus predicts his Passion What is the significance of these passages to Christians today? (8) Evidence of Messiah- predicting the future Death deliberate- in control Disciples failed- forgiveness/encouragement for us Shows that Jesus was not trying to get rid of the Romans. Not a failure. Son of man- code for son of God/Messiah Mark may make it look deliberate
2.5 Jesus Enters Jerusalem Explain how Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem led to conflict (8) Popularity- Frightened the Jewish leaders Claiming to be the Messiah- Upset Jewish leaders Could have been seen as a threat to the Romans Claimed to be the Messiah but had no intention of getting rid of the Romans People were calling him “Saviour” by shouting Messiah.- this would seem a threat to Jewish leaders.
2.6 Jesus clears out the Temple How is this passage significant for Christians today? (8) Shows Jesus is the Messiah We must respect the house of God- Cathedrals and churches Jesus was deliberately causing trouble- death was deliberate It is ok to be angry for the right reasons God is for all nations- cleared out the court of the gentiles
2.7 Who is in authority here? Why did this lead to conflict? (8) They are looking for conflict (there has already been conflict) Whatever answer is given will lead to conflict Humiliates them (gets out of the trap) Demonstrates that he has God’s authority- their inability to accept this causes conflict.
2.8 A Taxing Question
2.9 Jesus’ Argument with the Sadducees Why is Jesus’ argument with the Sadducees important for Christians today? (8)
2.10 Expensive perfume at Bethany Explain why this could have led to conflict. (8) She may have seemed too close to Jesus- over familiar She predicts his death which has led to conflict in the past even with the disciples She has wasted money that could have been spent on the poor She suggests that he is the Messiah. This is controversial and possible blasphemy
2.11 The Plot to Kill Jesus Explain why the plot to kill Jesus is significant. (8)
3.1The meaning and significance of the Last supper for Mark What is the significance of the Last Supper for Mark? (8) Jesus in control- prophecy Jesus is aware of his betrayal and does not try to prevent it Jesus is the Passover lamb and the disciples are accepting his sacrifice- start of Mass Brings in the new covenant Last time they are all together
3.2 Why the Last supper is important for Christians today Why is the last supper important for Christians today? (8)
3.3Jesus’ Prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane Why do the prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane cause problems for Christians today? (8) How can God be distressed? Why would Jesus want to get out of it. Surely he knew that it was the only way How can we trust Peter as Pope if he failed Why does Jesus ask God questions? Surely he knew the answer How can God and Jesus want something different? Why do the disciples still not understand
3.4 Betrayal and arrest Which parts of the arrest cause problems for Christians today? (8) Peter has a sword. He has misunderstood Jesus again- Should we trust someone who failed so much If Jesus used Judas to complete his mission- He is causing him to go to hell We don’t understand Judas’ motives Why did Jesus choose a follower who would betray him
3.5 Trial before the High Priest Why might this affect Christian attitudes to justice today? (8) The fact that this trial was so unfair encourages Christians to make sure that modern trials are just The law must not be influenced by personal feelings- biased- Jesus was convicted because they disliked him Jesus was beaten during the trial- Christians would not see this as just and would want to prevent it happening again The trial was illegal, it broke the law in several different ways. Christians would want justice/legal system to be transparent
3.6 Trial before Pilate Why is the trial before Pilate important for Christians today? (8) Jesus is in control of the situation- he stays silent- death deliberate Jesus is clearly innocent because Pilate thinks he is The crowd had been stirred up against Jesus which shows that he was not really guilty of anything It shows that anti- Semitism is wrong. The Jewish people are not to blame Jealousy of the high priests- crowd stirred up- Trial rigged
3.7 The Crucifixion according to Mark Why was Jesus’ death important to Mark?(8) It is part of God’s plan of salvation • It reconciles humanity with God • It demonstrates God’s love • It brings about forgiveness of sins- sacrifice Edexcel mark scheme Heaven Shows that he is the Messiah/Son God Fulfils prophecies
3.9 What is the meaning and significance of Jesus’ burial? Why is Jesus’ burial important for Christians today? (8) It shows that the women knew where he was buried- they did not make on Sunday It suggests that he really was dead. This is important for the resurrection. The fact that a member of the Jewish council believed his message shows that Jesus was who he said he was A stone was placed in front of the tomb. This makes it unlikely that the body was stolen or that Jesus was in a coma. Prophecy of the Messiah
3.10/11 The Meaning and Significance of the resurrection for Mark
4.1 Jesus is baptised What does the baptism tell us about Jesus’ identity? (8) God says that Jesus is his Son Part of the Trinity Shows his human side Shows that he started his mission sinless
4.2 Peter at Caesarea Philippi Why is Matthew’s version of the story more important for Catholics today? (8) Son of God as well as Messiah Peter does not fail- we can trust his teaching. He understood the most important thing. Peter is given authority which is passed down to the pope and clergy. Apostolic Succession) Priests can forgive sin (they have the authority passed down through Peter) Jesus changed his name to Peter showing that he is the first Pope and leader of the Church
4.3 The Transfiguration Explain what the Transfiguration shows about Jesus? (8)
4.4 Jesus Calms a Storm Why might this cause problems for Christians today?(8)
4.5 The Feeding of the Five Thousand Identify some problems for Christians today, from this passage.(8) Son of God- Power- Manna Son of Man – powers of God Provides for us practically Like a prophet- Elijah- Elisha Human side- quiet place Ultimate faith
4.6 Jesus Walks on the sea How does this cause problems for Christians today? It is scientifically impossible. It is difficult to understand, if it is a parable then what does it mean? If this is not true then what else is not true? How can Jesus be God? Why did the disciples not recognise him/ The disciples showed a lack of faith in Jesus! The disciples failed
4.7 Jesus heals Legion Why might this story cause problems for Christians today? Is it mental illness or demon possession Jesus damaged a farmer’s livelihood Surely it was unnecessary to kill the pigs Why was legion not allowed to follow Jesus? Why does Jesus take pity on the demons but then kills them anyway.
4.8 The raising of Jairus' daughter What does this passage show about Jesus?
4.9 Jesus- The Messiah Why is the title “Messiah” important for Christians today? (8) It shows that Jesus was the one promised by God The prophecies suggest that Jesus will cause our sins to be forgiven- life after death The idea of the Messiah being the suffering servant teaches us that non- violence and selflessness is the way to live It shows that Jesus did not come to replace the Jewish religion but to fulfil it because he was always part of the Jewish religion from the start.
4.10 Jesus – the Son of Man Why is this title important for Christians today? (8) Shows that he is the Messiah Shows that he has the power and authority of God Shows that he is fully human Shows that he is here to serve and not be served. He was a suffering servant.
4.11 Jesus the Son of God Why is the title Son of God so important to the church? (8) It gives us the doctrine of the trinity (explain) It shows that God died for us himself and did not make someone else do it. This shows how much God loves us If Jesus was divine then he must have been perfect. This is important so sins could be forgiven. If Jesus was divine it explains the things he did (miracles) If Jesus was divine then God knows what it is like for us to suffer and can help us with anything.