Lesson Plan
I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to: (Cognitive) Define what is Integer and the rules involving operations on Integer (Psychomotor)Solve problems involving operations on Integer (Affective) relate Integer in real world application
II. Subject Matter Algebra (Rules in Operations of Integer) Reference: Algebra for High school Textbook Materials: visual aids, video presentation, PowerPoint presentation, Flash Cards, Values: Critical thinking, Active participation, Determination, Patience, Creativity
III.Procedure Daily Activities Prayer Greetings Classroom Management Checking Attendance B. Review Teacher will ask students for the previous topic that was discussed.
C. Motivation Part I. Games [PictuART] Materials: slide presentation and strip paper Aims of PictuART games To enhance creativity and thinking skills of students PictuART shows the abstract application of Integer in real world. At the end of discussion, students will appreciate Integers in real application base on the games they play and the video presentation.
How to play the game? Teacher will group the class into two. Each group must have 3 presenters (actor/actresses) Presenters will action the word given by the teacher regarding with the picture on the slide presentation. Each group must guess the word with the help of slide presentation and their presenters. Group will have one minute guessing. The winner will gain smiley chips with 10 pts in their recitation.
Part 2. Group Activity Materials: Flash Cards Aims of group Activity To develop active participation of students in the class To gain the students of advance knowledge in the topic base on the given task. To build up self confidence, creative and critical thinking among students. Student themselves will discover the abstract topic through the activity and can able to discuss it in front of the class.
Activity task The teacher will divide the class into four groups and will give those flash cards containing letters with problem operations. Each group has a task cards about the rules on operations of integer for them to answer the flash cards problem.
Activity task 2. Each group must solve the problem on the flash cards and arrange/ form a word from the lowest to highest number of their answers.
Activity task 3. The first group that finished the activity will shout a yell within their group.
Activity task 4. After posting flash cards on the board, teacher will choose students in the group to discuss their activity work provided with his/her guide questions.
Discussion Students will present their activity regarding their activity work.
Discussion Teacher Guide Question: What have you notice in your activity? Our topic for today is all about operations of integer. 2. How you derive with your answer? We follow the rules in solving problem operations. What is our topic for today? Rules in operations of Integer. 3. How will you define integer?(added information by showing picture slide on the presentation)
Discussion (Every recitation of students have chips and complement from the class through clap for them to be active in class) Integer Are positive and negative whole number Integers are the set of whole numbers and their opposites.
Discussion 4. Teacher will post the four operation of Integer on the board. Each operation has set of rules that needed to state by the student themselves. Addition/ Subtraction (same rules) Rule 1: Same sign Add = Sign of number Rule 2: Unlike sign Subtract = Sign of biggest number Multiplication/Division (same rules) Rule 1: Same sign = Positive sign Rule 2: unlike sign = Negative sign
Discussion 5. Teacher will show examples of operations of Integer in Addition and Subtraction. Addition/ Subtraction Rules Rule 1: A. 7+ 3 = 10 B. -3 - 4 = -7 Rule 2: A.7+ (-3) = 4 B. -25+ 5= -20 Multiplication/ Division Rule 1: A. (-2) (-3) = 6 B.12 / 4 = 3 Rule 2: A. (-22) (2) = -44 B. 12/-4 = -3 (2) (3) = 6 -12/-4 = 3
Discussion Teacher will ask students for how answers derived in the given example; what do you think the rules used in every operations of integers? Teacher will ask students if they understand the rules and will give other examples to be answer by the students.
E. Valuing( Connecting Integer to Real life Application) Teacher will show a video clip prior to the previous games they played and its relation to Integer. Title of Video Clip: (Integer in Real Application) Guide Question (Reflection) How important Integers in our life?
IV. Evaluation -2 + 4 = 15 – 4 = -6/(-9)= 7 + (-8) = -1 – 8 = -5(5)= -6 / (-3) = 8 (-2) = 4(-5)= -23 + 31 = -6 – (-11) = -5/-10 = -7 + 0 = 4 – 7 = 50/10 =
V. Assignment Bring graphing paper, ruler and pencil