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Jesus, the disciples and service Describe Jesus’ teaching on service What did Jesus mean in this story? What problem does this raise for Christian disciples? What does this mean for Christians today?
Who is better?
Jesus, the disciples and service Read page 20 The cup and the baptism are Jesus’ suffering. The disciples would have to share Jesus’ suffering. James was also executed for his faith. The cup may also refer to the cup of the last supper (this is also linked with suffering). J&J miss the point. The kingdom of God is not about power but about service.
Jesus, the disciples and service The cup and the baptism are Jesus’ suffering. The disciples would have to share Jesus’ suffering. James was also executed for his faith. The cup may also refer to the cup of the last supper (this is also linked with suffering). J&J miss the point. The kingdom of God is not about power but about service.
Jesus, the disciples and service Think about the time Mark was writing his gospel (hint: Nero) why might Mark have included this incident in his gospel? Complete activity 2 What are the problems for Christians today in this passage? Jesus predicts his death in this passage. How does he explain why he has to die? In what way is Jesus’ death like a ransom? Give some examples of ways that some Christians act like servants today. Do you think Christians behave the way Jesus intended? (use any passage we have studied so far as evidence) Explain some of the ways that Mark shows the cost of discipleship in the passages we have looked at so far. You could use: The Rich Young Man (Mark 10:17-31), The 1st prophecy of the Passion (8:31-38) , Who is the greatest (9:33-37) ,Jesus sends out the 12 (6:7-13)