Communications NAM/CAR/SAM Quality Assurance Workshop Mark Rios Air Traffic Management Officer ICAO NACC Regional Office NAM/CAR/SAM Air Traffic Services Quality Assurance Workshop (Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, 26 to 30 November 2001)
Objectives Define Communication You will also be able to identify and describe: Types of Communication Elements of Communication Methods for improving communication skills Interview and Investigation techniques
What is Communication? Sender Message Receiver Understanding Listen to understand
Types of Communication Oral Written Nonverbal
Ineffective Communication SENDERS SAY: You didn’t listen You didn’t ask questions You didn’t think RECEIVERS SAY: You didn’t say what you meant You didn’t speak/write clearly You used technical language
Sender Communication Barriers Message is not clear Sender has negative attitude toward message and/or receiver Sender picks wrong place and time Sender fails to verify whether received understands
Receiver Communication Barriers Receiver is preoccupied Receiver wants to finish sender’s message Receiver pretends to listen Receiver pretends to understand
Methods of Improving Oral Communications Speak clearly Use a clear vocabulary Establish a rapport Develop good eye contact skills Watch for clues Conclude on a positive note
Elements of Effective Listening Giving attention Interpreting Understanding Discipline
How to Listen Stop talking Put the talker at ease Ask questions Empathize Avoid arguments and criticism Hold your temper
Methods of Improving Written Communication Organize your thoughts Stick to the main subject Consider the reader Use short sentences
Methods of Improving Written Communication Avoid complex words Avoid unnecessary words Avoid stock phrases Use active verbs
Nonverbal Communications Interpreting Body Language Gestures Signals
Characteristics of a Good Investigator Professionalism Interest Curiosity Analytical Mind Infinite Patience Sound Judgment Compassion
Characteristics of a Good Investigator (cont’d) Tact and Diplomacy Integrating Experience Organization Articulate Communicator
Conducting an Investigation Create an outline or Path Use a Time Management System Document what you have learned
Investigative Reasoning Inductive Reasoning Deductive Reasoning Characteristics of a Good Investigator Checklist
Conducting an Interview Select a location Prepare for interview Establish Rapport
Select a location which: Is conductive to eliciting information Avoids the presence of associates of witnesses Provides privacy for disclosures which could be confidential or embarrassing
Prepare for Interview Acquaint yourself with ALL the facts List known facts Identify missing facts Create a checklist
Prepare for Interview (cont’d) Make a list of questions Have something to write on/with Generally, there should be no more than two questioners Avoid collective interviews
Establish Rapport Welcome the Person Make the Person Feel at Ease Remove physical barriers
Some Factors that may affect an Interview Emotions Exaggeration Omissions Trauma
Bibliography Quality Assurance Program Administration, Course 50314 FAA Academy, Oklahoma City