Proposed Training Calendar Plan 2015
Proposed Training Calendar Plan Performance Enrichment Training Engagement Program Leadership Training Program Anti-burnout Party (Team Building) Effective Work Management Stress Management CCM Theme Day (Dress-up activity) Knowledge Based Training Certification Outlier Training Program (Based on the Top QA Areas for Development of the Operations) Monthly Learning Check CCM Gives Back Assistance to in need CCM employees Basic Communication Skills Training DCM: Need to identify where budget will come from, Sherwin to insert budget for training, worst case-tap internal facilities, wants training in place. What to do during downtime. Ask for Training team on fillers; what she will do if no training. Sherwin & Hermy to work within the budget. Melvic- should have stand alone budget. Details should be justified and breakdown. Knowledge Based Training Certification
Performance Enrichment Training Course Participants Facilitator Objectives Time Table Leadership Training Program All TLs and all Support Groups, plus Top agents who aspires to be promoted External Trainer ( c/o HR Training ) To help all Team Leaders and Support Groups develop the essential skills to influence and motivate their staff to achieve exceptional performance. 1st Quarter of 2015 DCM: Why recommend top agents? What happened to existing ? Where’s the continuation? No follow-through after leadership program. Career pathing – what can we promise after? Include immersion programs-in operations. Create complete program. WHAT’S IN IT FOR THEM?? Identify cost with Sherwin Note: Budget for training is yet to be determine based on HR’s training need assessment ( TNA )
Performance Enrichment Training Course Participants Facilitator Objectives Time Table Effective Work Management Below average performers External Trainer c/o HR Training To help employees manage their time more effectively, and for them to make a greater contribution to the organisation’s goals – they will be more effective at work but will still be able to achieve a sensible work / life balance. 2nd Quarter of 2015 DCM: Classification of below average? What are the strengths and weakness of our people? Note: Budget for training is yet to be determined based on HR’s training need assessment ( TNA )
Performance Enrichment Training Course Participants Facilitator Objectives Time Table Stress Management All members of CCM Support, Management and some agents. External Trainer c/o HR Training To learn about Stress Management techniques that will help them overcome stress. 3rd Quarter of 2015 DCM: arrange orders, management, ccm support team and agents. Focus on stress management related to work. Time table, define, when is the new hires, Note: Budget for training is yet to be determine based on HR’s training need assessment(TNA).
Performance Enrichment Training Course Participants Facilitator Objectives Time Table Outlier Training Program (Based on the Top QA Areas for Development of the Operations) Low 25% - 30 % of agents. In-house Trainer To aid the QA opportunities of the Operations and help the agents improve their performance. Monthly, starting December 2014 DCM: rename participants to selected agents. Time table, defined how long
Performance Enrichment Training Course Participants Facilitator Objectives Time Table Basic Communication Skills Training All CCM employees In-house Trainer (Sandra) To help improve their communication skills Starting first week of December 2014 Staggered training sessions • 1 hour per session every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday • Assessment exam on Friday - To be coordinated with WF Team if pull-out can be done within the shift. DCM: Include corporate, suggest lighten load, one training session, then quiz. Time discussed with ops & wf. undo bad practices on English. What type of training? Verbal or non verbal? Written or verbal? Get somebody into communication skills.
Engagement Program Course Participants Facilitator Objectives Time Table Anti-burnout Party (Team Building) All CCM employees In-house Trainer External Trainer c/o HR Training To improve the team and foster high performance To develop teamwork and camaraderie among employees 2nd Quarter of 2015 Total of 7 batches; Number of allowable participants per batch will be coordinated with WF. Preferably batches should be per team. DCM: rename party into activity or session. Sit down with sherwin and project. Recommendation: not out of town, Create details for the training Logistics, food, activities Note: Budget for training is yet to be determine based on HR’s training need assessment(TNA).
Engagement Program Course Participants Facilitator Objectives Time Table CCM Theme Day (Dress-up activity) All CCM employees In-house Trainer To promote teamwork and camaraderie among employees December 2014: Christmas Day theme February 2015: Valentine’s Day theme June 2015: Back to School Day theme Sept 15, 2015 CCM Day ( Anniversary) United Nations day- Oct 2015. November 2015: Halloween theme December 2015: Christmas Day theme DCM: Valentine’s Day- dating activity, merge back to school
Engagement Program Course Participants Facilitator Objectives Time Table CCM Gives Back Assistance to in need CCM employees All CCM volunteer employees Advocacy committee CCM aims to give back to our in need employees, through exercising activities that promotes social responsibility. 1st Quarter of 2015 DCM: Entire year (coverage)
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