Supporting INSPIRE implementation: the Thematic Clusters for Topographic and Cadastral Reference Data Jordi Escriu Facilitator Thematic Cluster #3 Dr. Anja Hopfstock Facilitator Thematic Cluster #6 Thematic Cluster #3 Thematic Cluster #6
Introduction Interoperability is better achieved …sharing solutions in a collaborative way EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
New on-line collaboration platform INSPIRE Thematic Clusters INSPIRE NEWS Thematic Clusters EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
New on-line collaboration platform INSPIRE Thematic Clusters Background: INSPIRE Forum “Connecting people and sharing knowledge” New objectives and requirements: Re-launch activity / participation Help Member States and Stakeholders in the implementation of INSPIRE Establish a common point of contact to solve thematic issues EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
MIG-T decision on proposal for addition/change to the TG Proposals for the MIG Thematic additions/changes to the Technical Guidelines Facilitator decision on proposal for addition/change to TG Thematic cluster discussion topic Facilitator consolidation of the topic MIG-T decision on proposal for addition/change to the TG MIG 14 WG -Thematic cluster discussion and decision Proposal for change/addition to a TG to MIG-T Update of the Technical Guidelines EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
Thematic Clusters on Reference Data EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
On-line platform initial resources Experts to involve: Producers, users, domain experts EC ISA, Copernicus … Communities EU, National project members EU umbrella organization: EuroGeographics, EuroGeoSurvey, EEA, … OGC/ISO/CEN thematic WGs EC Thematic EGs (WFD, FD …) JRC thematic pilots contacts (e.g. Human Health) INSPIRE MS CPs, SDICs/LMOs SMES INSPIRE SW vendors, open source communities EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
On-line platform initial resources Content to evaluate: INSPIRE relevant TG Documents (esp. annexes, additional documentation) INSPIRE Forum Groups EU projects EU related knowledge sharing groups (KEN) INSPIRE website (INSPIRE conferences …) Are3na Joinup (SW Tools) INSPIRE Monitoring and Reporting INSPIRE pilots Social media groups (LinkedIn) EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
Past Activities EuroGeographics INSPIRE KEN TC#3 (EL-OI-RS-GG) and TC#6 (HY-GN-AU-CP-AD-BU-TN) 06.03.2015 – Introductory webinar Thematic Clusters on Topographic and Cadastral Reference Data clusters-march-2015 TC#6 (HY-GN-AU-CP-AD-BU-TN) 21-22.10.2014 – Workshop (Prague) Workshop about transformation of themes HY, TN 16-17.04.2015 – Workshop (Prague) Workshop about transformation of themes AD-AU-CP-BU-GN EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
Next Activities EuroGeographics INSPIRE KEN TC#3 (EL-OI-RS-GG) and TC#6 (HY-GN-AU-CP-AD-BU-TN) 28.05.2015 – INSPIRE GWF 2015 – Today’s Workshop “Supporting INSPIRE implementation: the Thematic Clusters for topographic and cadastral reference data” TC#3 (EL-OI-RS-GG) 29-30.09.2015 – Workshop (Barcelona) Workshop about transformation of raster data (EL, OI) and WCS Barcelona, Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC) EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
Workshop Structure INSPIRE Conference Workshop Thu 28 May 2015 13:30-15:00 “Supporting INSPIRE implementation: the Thematic Clusters for topographic and cadastral reference data” Discussion topics Vector data Extensions to INSPIRE Flattening of data models Raster data Encoding of coverages WCS services Audience Any producer of INSPIRE themes Any existing or potential user EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
Speakers Facilitator Thematic Cluster #6 Chair EGG INSPIRE KEN EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON
Looking for your participation… JOIN & PARTICIPATE IN THE THEMATIC CLUSTERS Take leaflets in the JRC/EC booth EuroGeographics Workshop Reference Data Clusters 28 May 2015 INSPIRE GWF 2015, LISBON