Creating Passages to Education for Indigenous Youth


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Presentation transcript:

Creating Passages to Education for Indigenous Youth Diane Sugars, MBA

Disclaimer: While understanding the history, education and perspectives of Indigenous peoples are important, it is beyond the scope of this workshop to properly elaborate on this topic to the degree that is required.

To move forward we need to understand the past. Learning that was rooted in the community and the natural environment Knowledge was transmitted by elders and community members Indigenous peoples have a spiritual connection to the land

Kill the Indian in the child Over 130 residential schools were located across Canada

They took away the children More than 150,000 First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children attended residential school

Residential School Statistics Indian Residential Schools date back to the 1870s 90% - 100% abuse Over 130 residential schools across the country More than 150,000 children Mortality rates at some schools were as high as 60% 6000 children died

Don’t belong to either culture

The ongoing impact of this multigenerational trauma Alcohol and drug abuse Sexual, physical, and emotional abuse Dysfunctional families Toxic communication skills Educational blocks Suicide


7 generations to heal

Why don’t you people just get over it Watch the video 8th Fire – Part 1 on Youtube

How are the children doing? The last residential school  was located in Saskatchewan, and was closed in 1996.

Canada mirroring Australia Canada saw 150,000 kids put into residential schools. Australia saw 10,500 children forcibly removed Canada Indigenous peoples make up 4% of the population and 25% of its prison population. Australia Indigenous peoples make up 3% of the population and 27% of its prison population. In both countries Indigenous women make up a third of the female prison population. In the child welfare system, almost 50% of Canadian children are Indigenous. The Australian rate is 51%.

Be like the buffalo

This is a Canadian problem

Breaking the cycle

Sharing history with our children

Inclusive in Education BC is one of the top education systems in the world. Canada, led by British Columbia, is the fourth-ranked country in the world for students’ performance in science and is ranked seventh overall.

So what’s the good news. Academic skills, employment and training, and the work to address poverty and social conditions are being done separate and apart from one another This work needs to be connected in order to truly achieve success for the Indigenous learner.

Break Time – see you in 15


Moving Forward “Reconciliation requires constructive action on addressing the ongoing legacies of colonialism that have had destructive impacts on Aboriginal peoples’ education, cultures and languages, health, child welfare, the administration of justice, and economic opportunities and prosperity.”

Dogwood ‘25 “A collaboration of key players in Indigenous education dedicated to increasing the academic success of Indigenous students. The organization was established to support the educational achievement and social-emotional growth of all Indigenous learners in BC, from kindergarten to Grade 12, in order to increase their graduation rates to equal to or better than provincial graduation rates by the year 2025.”

Dogwood ’25 Founders Mike Harcourt Sid Katz

Holistic learner-centred approach Dogwood is taking constructive action towards reconciliation, by partnering with Indigenous peoples, school boards, educators, post-secondary institutions, and businesses that share the same vision.

Will you hire me if I go to school? Daring to dream of a future…

Connecting the dots

Wise practices Assessment services such as psycho-educational testing Assisting the family in advocating for the Indigenous learner in the school system Advocating for improvements in Indigenous education at the local, provincial and national level Employment and Training Opportunities

It takes a Village… For this approach to be a success, we need partners who are equally concerned with the persistent education gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous learners and who want to do something about it.

Paddling the canoe together resulting in change

Q and A Time

Kukwstsétselp (Thank you)