Freshman Engineering Clinic II Design Freshman Engineering Clinic II
Course Reminders & Deadlines Pathfinder Before exercises (on ethics) due by 10:30 am Wed. Feb. 8th 3D Game Lab 1st deadline of 350 XP midnight Feb. 17th
Design Challenge – “Trash” to Treasure Create a team of 4 students (we may need 1 or 2 teams of 3) Inspect “trash” Each team will be given 10 minutes to brainstorm Teams will then need to present their “best” idea to the class Image obtained from: Accessed on Jan. 27th, 2017.
Design Challenge – “Trash” to Treasure Design and Prototype Based on customer input: Develop a product to create something your customer will value Finalize a pitch for your product Best product (as determined by outside customer’s need) will give each team member 10XP bonus on GameLab Image obtained from: Accessed on Jan. 27th, 2017.
Image obtained from: http://itsmmy. blogspot. com/2013_01_01_archive