Facilities Services Department Meeting November 2015
Wayne Hammond, Building Services/Central Stores Facilities Services Department Meeting Position Reviews Presented by: Wayne Hammond, Building Services/Central Stores Valley City State University
Facilities Services Department Meeting Project Updates Presented by: Management Valley City State University
Vangstad Summary of Progress: Auditorium- plaster work, painting, and ceilings. Lower Level- drywall, millwork, painting, carpet, etc. are still in progress 1st floor- drywall/painting is in progress Will not be completed by the 11/30 deadline- December Graduation will be held at an alternate location.
City Flood Protection Project Summary of Progress: On-campus work is done until Spring 2016- at this time work will begin in front of Foss Hall. Viking Drive- Due to the weather, they will not be pouring the curb, gutter, or street- this will wait until spring. For now they will be filling everything in with gravel. The street is expected to open at the end of the month.
Heat Plant Replacement Summary of Progress: MTI was hired to do the soil testing- we will wait for these results before house demolition begins. Working on getting the contracts for asbestos/lead testing in the houses. Working on pricing out boilers/equipment. Working on design/footprint on building to reduce cost.
Other Projects Wellness Center: No updates- everything progressing as expected. Back Alley (SF Parking): Waiting for pricing/invoices to come back before we can move forward with the shelter. The lot will continue to be used for contractor parking until Vangstad is complete. Lighting: After our student safety walk, we identified a few more areas that we need improved lighting. Field House Accreditation: On schedule to start December 10th.
Fred Charnetzki (October) Facilities Services Department Meeting FS ANCHOR AWARD Presentation: Fred Charnetzki (October) Presented by: Selection Committee
“Fred is always willing, and helpful to answer questions and help solve problems when they arise. Fred is very knowledgeable about the workings of the systems on campus, and is always very professional.”
vacancies/hires/departures New Hires: daniel eppen: graichen gym michelle hoyt: rhoades science center daryl heise: carpenter vacancy: rhoades pm building services
Facilities Services Department Meeting Important Dates
November 14: Viking Visit Day November 16: Barnes County Music Festival November 24: Volleyball Camp- Graichen November 26: Thanksgiving (Campus CLOSED) December 2: All Campus Update- Froemke December 8: Emergency Response Training- Rhoades
Staff Senate Representatives: Facilities Services Department Meeting Staff Senate Representatives: Updates
Member Topics/Questions Facilities Services Department Meeting Member Topics/Questions