Owner Incentives Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 1
OHA Community Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 2
City of Oakland
OHA Moving to Work Objectives Improve voucher utilization and increase the number of families served Simplify program requirements for both property owners and residents Implement programs that provide services-enriched housing through systems alignment with federal, state, and local entitlement programs Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 4
Rental Market Shift Rising Rents and Low inventory Loss of owners participating in our programs Low voucher utilization Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 5
Owner Incentives In October 2015, Market Watch reported “rent has jumped in secondary cities, including Oakland, CA (up 23% year over year to $2,030). Oakland has been identified as one of the cities with fastest growing rental markets in the nation. Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 6
Owner Incentives Owner Participation Owner participation has decreased due to low vacancies, influx of market rate tenants, and time delays from tenant selection to contract execution, and HUD FMR’s lower than market rate rents. LANDLORDS who received a Housing Assistance Payment averaged for each Fiscal Year* Fiscal Year ending Total# Jun-12 5374 Jun-13 4972 Jun-14 4836 Jun-15 4564 Jun-16 4254 * This number does not capture individual owners who use management companies. The management company receives one check for all landlords Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 7
State of Affairs/Statistics Calendar Year 2016 (January-December) 11,782 leased vouchers or 91% utilization 5258 Rent Increases received 4960 Rent Increases approved 1548 Move-in Inspections Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 8
State of Affairs/Statistics Calendar Year 2016 (January-December) 196 new owners joined via new contracts 175 Voucher Searchers 443 Ownership Changes 225 new owners via ownership change Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 9
Existing Activities Dedicated Team/Owner Services Owners Portal Annual Landlord Appreciation Event Partnerships with Community Based Organizations Ongoing staff training Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 10
GOALS Maintain and increase owner participation Reduce burdensome processes Reduce time from RTA to Move-in Increase outreach Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 11
MTW Approved Activities Owner Incentives Programs Pre-qualifying unit inspections Vacancy Loss payments Capital Improvement Payment Owner recognition program New Landlord Incentive Payment Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 12
Pre-qualifying Unit Inspections Offered to all HCV program owners Expedite the lease up process Minimize delays and losses due to inspections Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 13
Vacancy Loss Payment Up to two months HAP is being offered Existing HCV owners Units previously occupied by an HCV participant Must lease up within two months of previous contract cancellation. Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 14
Owner Recognition Program Will be recognizing long term owners 5 years or more with 5 or more units on the program Unit must be in good standing with the program. Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 15
New Landlord Payment Will provide new owner participants a one-time payment Incentive payment of $500.00 Upon execution of a new HAP contract Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 16
Capital Improvement Payment Loan will address capital improvement issues related to HQS failure Landlords who are entering into abatement can apply for payment of up to $2,500 Payments will be repaid to OHA via reduced HAP payments Repayment over a period of no more than 6 months Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 17
Automatic Rent Increases for HCV Targeting small area rental markets Amount will be set using multiple data sources for small targeted geographic areas within the larger jurisdictions. Rent analysis using internal and external data source. Offer will be made to all property owners in the targeted area who have not received a rent increase in the last twelve months. Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 18
Automatic Rent Increases for HCV Landlord will be notified of the offer 120 days prior to the proposed increase Landlord will have 30 days to accept the offer Participants will received 30 days notice of the increase Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 19
What’s New New Activities: Partnership with Alameda County Department of Social Services THP+ for foster youth CalWorks housing assistance Allocation of PBVs RFQ Award S8 PBV to Existing Housing Units (total units 610) RFQ Award for MTW Local Housing Assistance Program Funding - SRO housing (total units 289) Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 20
Contact Information Teela Carpenter Assistant Director of Leased Housing Department 510-587-7161 tcarpenter@oakha.org Michelle Hasan Director of Leased Housing Department 510-587-2110 mhasan@oakha.org Section I: Short and long terms goals/objectives Section II will include Cap fund expenditures Lease up information (households served) Overall information regarding compliance with the Statutory Requirements Section III: will be blank in the report 21