DaShayla Miller Post University Adelbrook at a Glance DaShayla Miller Post University
Educational Organization Adelbrook services youth who are currently diagnosed with Autism, some at risk youth and students with both learning and developmental disabilities. Adelbrook now has 3 locations located in East Hartford, Manchester and Cromwell. Each location serves a different population. I.E Manchester deals with students from grades K-4 where they are primary struggling with behaviors. East Hartford Services youth from grades 5-12 where they are also struggling with behaviors. Cromwell focuses mainly on students with Autism and Learning/Developmental Disabilities. In each location the ethnicity varies, where Cromwell’s population is predominantly Caucasian youth.
Two Technology Supports Blended Learning – A new way to incorporate technology into the everyday curriculum of the core academics. It focuses on teacher student interaction while the teachers teach using technology. Digital Literacy – This focuses on the use of Technology in the classroom. It is desgined to increase the students knowledge on the relm of technology anywhere from basic to expert. It also allows the students to learn safety and security if the internet.
Technology Trends BYOD (Bring your own Device)- Allows students to incorporate their own devices by allowing them to bring the desired device from home. Flipped Classroom –Allows students to engage in a virtual classroom, and providing the ability to have them receive additional help from home.
Economic Trends Personal Learning Paths – Allows the parents and students to have access to the services requested and needed while allowing the student to work on his/her own pace. Technology Immersion – The growth of technology in an educational setting is growing rapidly. “By the beginning of the next decade, the number of unique objects connected wirelessly to the internet should reach 27 billion. Thereafter, the number of connected devices is expected to double every five years” (IBM, 2015).
Demographic Trends Diversity - “Rapid demographic changes in culture, race/ethnicity, and language in the United States have exerted a powerful influence on public schools, raising significant concerns or issues relative to the ability of the educational system to successfully educate all of its children as future citizens of a democratic society (Yates, 2008). Each school year more and more students are enrolling in schools who are culturally diverse. This will cause a need for more training within educators. Homeschooling - “Although many students’ children today attend private and public school, there has been a huge increase in home schooling within the past couple of years (Mackey, Reese, Mackey, 2011). The amount of students being homeschooled is growing each year. This limits the interaction between students and peers and teacher as well.
Working References Frame Crowley, B. (2014, October 29). Education Week. Retrieved from Education Week: http://www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2014/10/29/ctq_crowley_digitalliteracy.html Editors, T. (2015, April 13). Education Week. Retrieved from Education Week: http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2015/04/13/report-summary-breaking-down-barriers-to-blended.html Clardy, A. (2011). The Art of Foresight . World Future Society, 37-48. Retrieved from World Future Society . Reference for Business . (2016, July 23). Retrieved from Reference for Business: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Ex-Gov/Futuring.html Sobrero, P. M. (2004, June). Journal of Extension. Retrieved from Journal of Extension: http://www.joe.org/joe/2004june/comm2.php
Working References Frame IBM. (2015, 23 April). Governing: The states and localities. Retrieved from Governing: The states and localities: http://www.governing.com/smarter/Enabling-Economic-Growth-with-Smarter-Education.html IBM Corporation. (2014, January). Retrieved from IBM Corporation: https://afd34ee8b0806295b5a7-9fbee7de8d51db511b5de86d75069107.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/EDW03005USEN.PDF Mackey, B. W., Reese, K., & Mackey, W. C. (2011). Demographics of Home Schoolers: A Regional Analysis within the National Parameters. Education, 132(1), 133. Peterson, D. L. (2005, August). Minnetonka Public Schools. Retrieved from Minnetonka Public Schools: http://www.minnetonka.k12.mn.us/newsroom/Publications/Technology%20Immersion%20Article.pdf Riedel, C. (2014, February 03). The Journal. Retrieved from The Journal: https://thejournal.com/Articles/2014/02/03/10-Major-Technology-Trends-in-Education.aspx?Page=1 Yates, J. R. (2008). Demographic imperatives for educational reform for culturally And linguistically diverse students. Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners. 11, 1-9.