RTRN Small Grants Program Research Enhancement Award- Cycle 2 RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. RTRN Small Grants Program Research Enhancement Award- Cycle 2 Funding Opportunity Announcement Informational Webinar Richard Yanagihara, M.D., M.P.H. Research Coordinating Center
A Paradigm-Disruptive Shift Challenges and Barriers Lack of trust Lack of scientist directory Lack of resource database Incomplete inventory of research projects and grants Limited IT infrastructure Dearth of RPG- and PPG- funded investigators Geographic separation and time-zone differences Deeply entrenched silo- science research culture Poor familiarity with translational science spectrum Competing priorities and over-committed faculty Competitive Single-PI Silo Science Collaborative Multi-PI Team Science A Paradigm-Disruptive Shift RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health.
Purpose of the RTRN Research Enhancement Award To provide travel funds for enhancing competitiveness and grant success of RCMI faculty, who have a reviewed, either scored or unscored, but unfunded or unpaid R-, U-, SC-, P- or K-series NIH application, for which a summary statement is available. To identify and meet with a current or prospective collaborator and/or mentor at another RCMI or non-RCMI grantee institution to address weaknesses noted in the summary statement in order to improve the A1 submission. RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health.
Purpose of the RTRN Research Enhancement Award To increase research competitiveness and grant success of RCMI investigators. To promote cross-institutional mentorship and professional development of the next generation of RCMI investigators. The expectation is that support from the Research Enhancement Award will be leveraged into competitive NIH A1 resubmissions within one year after receipt of RTRN funds. RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health.
Applicant Eligibility RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. Any faculty member of the 18 RCMI grantee institutions. Must have the summary statement for an unfunded or unpaid R-, U-, SC-, P- or K-series NIH application. An applicant may submit only one application. There are no restrictions on the number of applications from an RCMI grantee institution. Current and past RTRN Small Grants Program pilot project applicants and awardees may apply. 5
Applicant Eligibility RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. An applicant must have an updated Profile on the RTRN website (http://connect.rtrn.net/profilesweb/profiles.aspx), and be a member of the Translational Research Cluster System (http://www2.rtrn.net/programs/). Principal investigators of active NIH R01, R15, R35, R37, R56, P01, P20, P50, P60, SC1, SC3, U01, U19, U54, DP1, DP2 and/or K99R00 grants, as well as those with equivalent awards from AHRQ, CDC, DHS, DOD, DOE, HRSA, USDA, EPA and NSF are eligible in this cycle. Postdoctoral fellows and graduate students are ineligible. 6
Application Process RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. All applicants must use the RTRN Research Enhancement Award Template. http://www.rtrn.net/rtrn-small-grants-program-research- enhancement-award/ The full proposal is limited to two (2) pages: Specific Aims – one (1) page maximum Research Strategy – one (1) page maximum Two-page application must include: All tables, graphs, figures, diagrams, charts and other displays A timetable for the A1 resubmission or other applications for extramural support 7
Application Process RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. The following items are not counted in the two-page limit: Summary Statement of the A0 application. Biosketch and Other Support information for the applicant, prospective collaborator(s) and/or mentor(s). Letters of Support from the applicant’s current or prospective collaborator(s) and/or mentor(s), as well as from the RCMI or RCTR PI/PD. Budget itemization and justification. 8
Application Process Budget: RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. Budget: Non-modular itemized budget, with justification. Maximum request of $2,500. Funds may be requested for only costs associated with travel to confer with the applicant’s current or prospective collaborator(s) and/or mentor(s). Travel must be completed by June 30, 2017. No provisions for indirect costs. No provisions for carryover requests. 9
Scientific Review RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. RCMI Cluster Leaders and members of the RTRN Protocol Review Subcommittee will serve as reviewers. In all cases, individuals with conflicts of interest will not be assigned as reviewers. Six review criteria: collaborations and partnerships; significance; innovation; investigators; approach; and environment. The reviewers will also assess the impact score and summary statement of the A0 submission and the overall likelihood that the Research Enhancement Award will be leveraged into a competitive and fundable A1 resubmission. 10
Scientific Review Review Category Review Criteria RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. Scientific Review Review Category Review Criteria Collaborations and Partnerships RCMI or non-RCMI collaborators and/or mentors? Will visit strengthen the A1 resubmission? Significance Important scientific question or health problem? Will visit increase scientific rigor of the A1 resubmission? Innovation Will visit result in innovative concepts or new technologies? Investigator Does collaborator and/or mentor offer added value? Does collaborator and/or mentor possess complementary expertise? Approach Will visit result in improved study design design? Environment Will visit facilitate access to unique cores or resources? Will visit provide access to difficult to reach patient populations? Is there evidence for institutional support, such as faculty-release time, salary support and/or matching funds for travel? 11
Funding Priorities and Decisions RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. Applications will be ranked according to impact scores. Funding decisions will be based on priority scores and the criteria shown below, with direct oversight from the Protocol Review Subcommittee and ratification by the RTRN Steering Committee. Strong justification for travel funds Clear plan of deliverables from visit to collaborator or mentor High-impact research question Highly innovative approach Strong publication record of applicant Clear timetable for NIH A1 resubmission High potential for success of A1 resubmission Institutional match to defray additional costs associated with travel 12
Funding Priorities and Decisions RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. To more broadly promote translational science in different disciplines, awards will be distributed across the RTRN Clusters. For successful applicants, subcontracts will be made from the Morehouse School of Medicine to the awardee institutions. The expectation is that the travel awards will result in heightened competitiveness of the A1 resubmission. 13
January 16, 2017 at 9:00 pm Eastern time RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. Key Dates: APPLICATION DUE DATE: January 16, 2017 at 9:00 pm Eastern time EARLIEST ANTICIPATED AWARD DATE: March 1, 2017 AWARD END DATE: All travel must be completed before June 30, 2017 14
We encourage your inquiries. Contact Information We encourage your inquiries. Richard Yanagihara, M.D. RCC Director John A. Burns School of Medicine University of Hawaii at Manoa 651 Ilalo Street, BSB320L Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Telephone: (808) 692-1610 Email: ryanagih@hawaii.edu Pamela Bullard RCC Administrative Coordinator 651 Ilalo Street, MEB401G Telephone: (808) 692-1475 Email: pbullard@hawaii.edu RTRN is supported by grant number U54MD008149 from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health. 15