The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative From Response to Coordinated Research Established 2011
Deepwater Horizon Credit: US Chemical Safety Board
Deepwater Horizon Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic
Deepwater Horizon Credit: Reuters U.S. Air Force Photo by Tech. Sgt. Adrian Cadiz
Deepwater Horizon Credit: AP Photo/Charlie Riedel Credit: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images
Mission The mission of Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) is to implement an independent research program that will Study the effects of the Deepwater Horizon incident and the potential associated impact of this and similar incidents on the environment and public health and Develop improvements for spill mitigation, oil detection and characterization, and advanced remediation technologies.
Goal The ultimate goal of the GoMRI is be to improve society’s ability to understand, respond to and mitigate the impacts of petroleum pollution and related stressors of the marine and coastal ecosystems, with an emphasis on conditions found in the Gulf of Mexico. Knowledge accrued will be applied to restoration and to improving the long-term environmental health of the Gulf of Mexico.
Research Themes Physical distribution and ultimate fate of contaminants associated with the Deepwater Horizon incident; Chemical evolution and biological degradation of the contaminants; Environmental effects of the contaminants on Gulf of Mexico ecosystems, and the science of ecosystem recovery; Technology developments for improved detection, characterization, mitigation, and remediation of offshore oil spills; and Impacts of oil spills on public health.
Research Board Rita Colwell – UMD & JHU Jürgen Rullkötter – University of Oldenburg, Germany Margaret Leinen – FAU David Shaw – MSU Debra Benoit – Nicholls State John Shepherd –University of Southampton, UK Peter Brewer – MBARI Richard Dodge – NOVA SE Bob Shipp – South Alabama John Farrington – WHOI Burton Singer – Florida Kenneth Halanych – Auburn Ciro Sumaya – Texas A&M David Halpern – NASA Dennis Wiesenburg – USM William Hogarth – FIO Charles Wilson – LSU Jörg Imberger – W. Australia Dana Yoerger – WHOI Raymond Orbach – Tx Austin Michael Carron – GOMA Ex Officio
Scientific Integrity GoMRI uses National Science Board peer evaluation protocols to select funded research Independent reviews are comprised of scientific peers not affiliated with institutions who lead proposed projects to avoid conflict of interest in the selection of funded research All reviewers sign conflict of interest and non-disclosure statements Individual researchers will comply with professional standards as defined by the National Academies of Science All GoMRI-funded researchers conduct independent and objective work with no influence from BP Researchers independently publish their results in peer-reviewed scientific journals with no requirement for BP approval
. Alabama State Mississippi State University University of Mississippi Auburn Mote Marine Lab University of New Orleans Dauphin Island Sea Lab National Institutes of Health University of South Alabama Florida A&M Nova Southeastern University University of South Florida Florida Atlantic U. of Southern Mississippi Florida Gulf Coast University Samford University University of West Alabama Florida Institute of Technology Troy University University of West Florida Tuskegee University Florida International University University of Alabama U. Alabama at Birmingham Florida State University U. Alabama at Huntsville Harte Research Institute U. Alabama at Tuscaloosa Jackson State University University of Central Florida Jacksonville State University University of Florida Louisiana State University University of Miami .
RFP-III (Summer Sampling) To ensure continuity of observations and sampling while the peer-review process was underway, $1.5 million in grants were issued in June 2011 to the following institutions: University of South Florida Johns Hopkins University Auburn University University of Georgia Research Foundation Texas Tech University University of Southern Mississippi LSU Agriculture Center University of Louisiana at Lafayette Texas AgriLife Research Dauphin Island Sea Lab Florida State University Mississippi State University Louisiana State University Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
WHOI Johns Hopkins GA Research Foundation Texas Tech MSU Auburn USM LSU Texas AgriLife FSU DISL ULL USF Tulane
RFP-I (Consortia) The Impact of Biological, Physical and Chemical Processes on the Fate of Oil Spills – Bridging Small-Scale Processes with Meso-Scale Modeling University of Texas at Austin - Marine Science Institute Gulf Integrated Spill Research (GISR) Consortium Texas A&M University at College Station Deepsea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico Florida State University The Effects of the Macondo Oil Spill on Coastal Ecosystems Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
RFP-I (Consortia) Center for Integrated Modeling and Analysis of the Gulf Ecosystems University of South Florida Consortium for Advanced Research on Transport of Hydrocarbons in the Environment University of Miami The Science and Technology of Dispersants as Relevant to Deep-Sea Oil Releases Tulane University Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf University of Mississippi
Yr-1, RFP-I and RFP-III
GoMRI Funds Awarded as of December 31, 2011
RFP-II (PI-based) RFP – II released in December 2011 Single projects $100,000 – $1,000,000 each $7.5M/year for 3 years
Data Management Policy Guiding Principles • Timely submission of data and model outputs by RC and Principal Investigators (PIs) to the GoMRI “Research Database” • Timely submission of data to existing national repositories • Data, results, and ancillary information are made fully accessible to the public with minimum time delay • Use of existing data standards and management systems as much as practicable • Ensure data interoperability to the greatest extent possible • Employ best practices for data policy and data management as elucidated by NSF and NOAA or other agency appropriate for the topic of study • A strong commitment to data management by each RC and participating PI
Lead Investigator: Edward J. Buskey, Ph.D The Impact of Biological, Physical and Chemical Processes on the Fate of Oil Spills – bridging small scale processes with meso-scale modeling (DROPPS) Lead Investigator: Edward J. Buskey, Ph.D Clarkson Minnesota Wisconsin Increasing velocity PENN JHU SINTEF, Norway U. Texas
Gulf Integrated Spill Research (GISR) Consortium Lead Investigator: Piers Chapman, Ph.D. MIT WHOI Berkeley Maryland Stanford NC State GIT UT Austin TAMU Hawaii Manoa
Deepsea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico (Deep-C) Lead Investigator: Eric Chassignet, Ph.D. WHOI SAIC Norwegian Meteorological Institute GIT West Florida NRL FSU FIO Dauphin Island Sea Lab USF Miami
The Effects of the Macondo Oil Spill on Coastal Ecosystems Lead Investigator: Nancy N. Rabalais, Ph.D WHOI Connecticut College BYU Rutgers Maryland VIMS Tennessee UNC LSU Ag LSU Lafayette Florida Gulf Coast LUMCON
Lead Investigator: Steve Murawski, Ph.D. Center for Integrated Modeling and Analysis of the Gulf Ecosystem (C-Image) Lead Investigator: Steve Murawski, Ph.D. University of Calgary Penn State Wageningen University, Netherlands University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands Scripps South Alabama Texas A&M West Florida FIO USF Eckerd Hamburg University Mote Miami
Lead Investigator: Tamay Özgökmen, Ph.D. Consortium for Advanced Research of Hydrocarbon Transport in the Environment (CARTHE) Lead Investigator: Tamay Özgökmen, Ph.D. College of Staten Island Naval Postgraduate School Delaware Deltares University of Arizona Texas A&M University NRL FSU UT Austin Tulane FIO Nova U. Miami
Lead Investigator: Vijay T. John, Ph.D. The Science and Technology of Dispersants as Relevant to Deep Sea Oil Releases (C-MED) Lead Investigator: Vijay T. John, Ph.D. Minnesota UMASS Michigan Brown Buffalo Carnegie Mellon Princeton NY City U. URI Maryland Georgetown Colorado NC State Arizona State Auburn Austin USM LSU USF Houston Tulane FIU
Ecosystem Impacts of Oil and Gas Inputs to the Gulf (ECOGIG) Lead Investigator: Raymond Highsmith, Ph.D. Bigelow Oregon State Harvard Columbia Penn State Temple Venter Institute Maryland UC Berkeley UNC U. Miss GaTech Georgia Austin USM FSU University of Alaska Fairbanks
Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference & GoMRI Annual Meeting New Orleans Marriot, New Orleans, LA Jan 21-23, 2013: Open Science Conference Jan 24, 2013: GoMRI Annual Meeting GOMURC, NSF, SOST & other federal partners Call for sessions due May 10, 2012 Call for papers to be announced in June