IETF mtgvenue venue-selection-process-02 Seoul 17 Nov 2016 D. Crocker
The Plan Resolve pending/recent issues Respond to specific text proposals Word-smithing to clean up odds and ends Get more community comment
Recent Issues Revised text on food "Political considerations" Proposed modification (next) "Political considerations" In current draft (2.2) Primary hotel w/reserved 1/3 of projected rooms Yes. "Why do we meet" In current draft (2.1) Unfiltered network access Retain existing text (3.3) Accessibility How to judge? (3.2 & 3.4) Mandatory vs. Desired?
Working 'food' Text Existing text Addition The Venue environs have convenient and inexpensive choices for meals that can accommodate a wide range of dietary requirements. The area 'environs' include: onsite and places that are within a reasonable walking distance and those that are conveniently accessible by a short taxi, bus, or subway ride. [Mandatory] The Venue environs include grocery shopping that will accommodate a wide range of dietary requirements, within a reasonable walking distance, or conveniently accessible by a short taxi, bus, or subway ride, or through a delivery service. [Desired] Addition A range of attendee's health-related and religion-related dietary requirements can be satisfied with robust and flexible onsite service or through access to an adequate grocery. [Mandatory]
Mandatory/etc. Categories (1.2) Decide on number 4 - Mandatory/Desired/ Important/Nice 3 - Mandatory/Tradeoff/Nice 2 - Mandatory/Nice Clarify meaning of category labels Rank-ordering Of tradeoffs (?) Whether to have ranking How to use Assignments of labels Process of agreeing on specifics No obvious convergence. Mumble...
Going Forward: Document Change Process Question: How to go from (on-list) comments to specific text changes? Authors' plan: Incorporate the specific language changes that are agreed to, on-list For example: OLD This is existing text that is to be replaced NEW This is the new, replacement text In other words, we need specific text changes to be specified in your comments
Open issue Balancing between capturing community direction, versus specifying how professions do their job That is: What the community wants done, vs. How it is done (by our professional support staff)