Welcome to your Induction
Induction session Introductions Who are you?
Who are you? Turn to the person on your right Spend 3 minutes each telling them who you are, why you are here and what circus act you would be and why After the time has passed you will be introducing the other person to the group
Aims of today's session Housekeeping and introductions Information about the College Introduction to your Qualification How your qualifications will be assessed
Housekeeping Health & Safety - College Community responsibility If you have any concerns about your personal safety while attending college please inform your tutor Lets talk about Fire evacuation procedure Toilets/ personal belongings Mobile phones No smoking Policy
College information The Learner Guide can be found on the College Website . This has lots of information about the College, our policies and procedures and other useful information.
Equality and Diversity The Learner Guide gives full details on the College policies on Equality and Diversity. We are committed to ensuring equality for all learners irrespective of any disability, age, race, gender, SEN, religion, sexual orientation or marital status
Safeguarding Learners Bullying and Harassment Please confide in your Class or Personal Tutor if you observe bullying or harassment or you are a victim of bullying and harassment; either at college or in the workplace. If it is not appropriate to discuss with your tutor you can contact the Designated Safeguarding Officer Rick Olver via reception If you make a complaint this is investigated by the College and you will be notified of the outcome
Safeguarding Learners Bullying and Harassment The college takes your well-being very seriously and has a no- tolerance policy on bullying and harassment which can be found in the Safeguarding Guide. The guide has lots of useful information and details of people who can help you if you have any worries or concerns. The College Safeguarding and Wellbeing policy can be found on the College Website
Safeguarding - E safety As part of your course you will have access to online communities and the wider internet All students should be aware of their online safety and report any concerns to their class tutor Remember never give out personal details or arrange to meet people you have met online without telling someone else and arranging to meet in a public place See our Learner Guide for ways to keep safe on line
Using IT at the College The College has free public Wi-Fi and you are encouraged to bring your own laptops or tablets with you to use in class Access to Wi-Fi is…… DW$-4026 Student computers can be accessed in the canteen or the first floor lobby by the lift
Attendance Its crucial that you make every effort to attend all your taught sessions to make sure that you succeed with your qualification If your attendance is below 80% you may be withdrawn from the course If you miss three sessions in a row, without discussion with your tutor, you will be withdrawn
Reporting absence Attendance at every taught session is very important and good attendance is strongly linked to success, but on the rare occasion you are unable to attend please follow the procedure. . Text 07860023316 or phone the College on 01702 445700 State your name, Class Tutor, when and where the class is and reason you cannot attend
Who do I talk to about my course? If you are not happy about any aspect of your course: Step 1 Talk to your Class Tutor and try and resolve the problem Still not happy? Step 2 If your problem is still not resolved; please arrange to speak to the Head of Learning for Work on 01702 444581 Step 3 The college has a formal complaints procedure which you can use at any time. Please ask at reception for a form. A full copy of the college complaints procedure is in your Learner Guide.
The key people involved with your qualification Personal Tutor /Class Tutor Internal Quality Assurer Awarding Organisation
People bingo You each have a bingo card You have 10 minutes to fill as many as you can. They must each be from a different person You must actually speak to that person before filling in your square
Your qualification Let’s explore your qualification Content Scheme of Work How will my qualification be assessed? Important dates
Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling Unit 1 Professional organisational issues in counselling Unit 2 Counselling in a diverse society Unit 3 Counselling theory Unit 4 Advanced counselling skills Unit 5 Self-awareness for counsellors Unit 6 Research methodologies in counselling Unit 7 Counselling placement
Key requirements 100 hours of placement For the assessment purposes for this qualification, the trainee counsellor cannot work with children under 13 years. If trainees wish to include placement hours with young people(aged 13 – 18 inclusive) it is anticipated that they will have had at least 3 years’ experience of working in a professional supportive capacity with this age group. Total hours of placement should not be more than 50 counselling hours working with young people (aged 13 -18 inclusive) It is recognised that learners may complete more than one placement in order to achieve the minimum of 100 hours required
Placement Counselling hour = 50/60 minutes, unless there is a valid reason for an extended length of session. 30 minutes for 13-18 years equates to 1 counselling hour You need to keep a log of your counselling hours and supervision Supervision during placement- the supervisor must be qualified and you will need evidence of their supervisor qualification for your portfolio
Personal Therapy Minimum of 10 hours of personal therapy This must be evidenced in your portfolio with a log and a report from your therapist You cannot go into placement until you have had and can evidence 10 hours therapy
Assessment For each unit you will provide evidence to show your knowledge and understanding for the assessment criteria. This includes Assignments Reflective accounts Classwork Research projects Presentations Professional discussions Observations of your practice Feedback from others on your practice Transcripts Unit 7 is externally assessed by ABC
Recording your evidence To collect your work you will need a portfolio of evidence. This folder is divided into sections. Please make sure that you organise your folder for the next session Section 1- Candidate Log and Declaration of Authenticity Section 2- ABC Standards and assessment criteria Section 3- Unit 1: Professional organisational issues in counselling Section 4 - Unit 2: Counselling in a diverse society Section 5 - Unit 3: Counselling Theory Section 6 - Unit 4: Advanced Counselling Skills Section 7 - Unit 5: Self-awareness of Counsellors Section 8 - Unit 6: Research Methodologies in Counselling Section 9 - Classwork (including case studies) Section 10 - Reflective journals Section 11 - Tutorial paperwork
Your portfolio You need to bring your portfolio to class each week Please label the front and side of your folder All your evidence needs to be indexed We will index your work in class at the start of the course to support and help you All your evidence will be marked and you will receive feedback which shows What Worked Well and Even Better If to help you recognise your strengths and develop your skills further Your portfolio may be required for Internal and External verification and you must submit it or you cannot be awarded your certificate. Your portfolio will be kept securely and only accessed by the relevant staff
Scheme of Work This will clearly show: when you attend college what we will be learning about that week the way you will evidence your learning All work will be returned marked within 2 weeks unless otherwise specified
Extreme Game Stand on the piece of string in the centre of the room. If your answer is the first option – then move to the left, if your answer is the second option – then move to the right, the depth of your feeling towards the answer will indicate how far from the string you will go Let’s play
Reflective journal Every week you will be expected to write an entry into your reflective journal, some weeks the content will be dictated by the tutor. This is to support your development as a reflective practitioner This will be submitted every half term for feedback from your tutor It may also be used as supporting evidence for your portfolio You will need to add to the index, number, date each entry and add any criteria you think it meets in the margin of your work
Assignments You must explicitly map to the criteria and add to the margin where you feel you evidenced the criteria. It will be returned if you do not Arial 12 1.5 spacing Assignment brief must be attached All work must be referenced using Harvard referencing system
Classroom Contract
What is your role? Spend a couple of minutes making some notes about your strengths and areas you would like to develop Tell us about them
Create your portfolio
Process Group: fears and worries about role in group