The Coming of Independence Major Events
1643 New England Confederation is formed. For defense against Native Americans.
1696 William Penn attempts, but fails, to organize colonies to cooperate in trade, defense, and criminal matters.
1754 Albany Plan of Union is proposed. Proposed by Ben Franklin.
1765 Stamp Act is passed and Stamp Act Congress is convened. Parliament requires tax stamp on legal documents and newspapers.
1770, March 5 Boston Massacre Five Americans killed by British troops firing into a crowd of protesters.
1772 Committees of Correspondence are first organized. To respond to Parliament.
1773, December 16 Boston Tea Party Colonists board British ships and dump cargo overboard.
1774, Spring Parliament passes the “Intolerable” Acts. Parliaments passed to punish colonial rebelliousness. Many late night meetings are held at the City Tavern in Philadelphia.
1774, September 5 First Continental Congress convenes. 12 of the 13 colonies met at Carpenter’s Hall to air their grievances against the British King.
1775, April 19 Revolution Begins at Lexington & Concord.
1775, May 10 Second Continental Congress convenes in the Assembly Room of Independence Hall. Picture coming up in a minute!
1776, June 7 Richard Henry Lee proposes U.S. Independence.
1776, July 2 Congress passes Lee’s independence resolution. Here is the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Chamber, next to Independence Hall.
How did British actions motivate colonial citizens to accept the ideas of independence and to revolt against British rule?
1776, July 4 Declaration of Independence is adopted. Let’s look at pictures of Independence Hall and it’s Assembly Room where this took place.
Independence Hall in Philadelphia