Dipole status & update DISCO_RAP (NTA) DIpoli SuperCOnduttori RApidamente Pulsati Dipole status & update Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano giugno 2013
Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano giugno 2013 Status Magnet cold mass (CM) delivered to ASG in October 2012, after the successful test @ LASA; CM insertion inside the Cryostat in progress (under control of GE and NA); difficulties met due to a bad matching between the CM and the thermal shield (TS). Problems now solved, completion expected by the end of June 2013. Delivered to GSI in July 2013 Data analysis of the test results now in progress. Two presentations at the Magnet Technology Conference (MT-23) in Boston (July 2013) LASA contributed also with the installation of the thermometers on the CM and on the TS (not foreseen neither in the CM not in the TS contract) Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano giugno 2013
Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano giugno 2013 So, what’s next? The R&D activities on the SIS-300 dipoles go on (at a rather slow pace) under the framework of the CRISP UE FP7 program, to be completed in early 2014. The goal is to build a collared coil system (no iron yoke) with the second generation SC cable, built under the scopes of the DISCORAP project, and an optimized EM design. The very limited funding at disposal did not allow for a complete magnet. Still in progress the B-EST (formerly VACUUMSCHMELZE, then EAS) contract for the manufacture of a low-loss ultra-fine filament (2µm) NbTi SC wire. A long sequence of procurement and manufacture problems led to several delays; the company had confirmed and repeated its committment to fulfill the contract. Delivery now scheduled in April 2014. We do not present a request for funding for DISCORAP for 2014, but… Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano giugno 2013
Fast-cycled magnets perspectives … our interest had not faded away! GSI/FAIR makes often encouraging statements concerning its interest in further developments for the SIS-300 fast-cycled magnets, but in a realistic approach it does not apper likely that they can contribute with any significant resource to this topic. We doubt that the R&D for SIS-300 will go ahead in short term Still, fast-cycled magnets will be pivotal not only for FAIR but more in general for long-term future accelerator, e.g. for the injection of a High-Energy LHC or SLHC. Expertise and knowledge must be thoroughly preserved! Giovanni Volpini, CdS Milano giugno 2013