Curriculum News – Autumn 1 Welcome to Y6! Each half term you can expect a sheet just like this one, which will outline what your child will be learning that half term. It will also contain details of homework to be completed that half term, along with a due date. Reading - This half term in reading we will be working on a book called Holes. It’s written by an author who the children became familiar with last year when they studied A Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom; Louis Sahar. Please encourage your child NOT watch the film or read the book at home whilst we are studying the book in school. Thanks! Writing – In writing this half term, we will be writing a diary entry from the perspective of a character from our class book, a setting description, a narrative as well as an argument text. Maths – In Maths this half term we’ll be focusing on calculating with whole numbers, as well as rounding and negative numbers. Alongside this number work, we will also be focusing on co-ordinates and shape. Theme – During this extended first half term, we will be covering two themes. The first is called ‘I’m a Year 6, get me out of here!’ which will be heavily linked to our residential work at Thornbridge and will be focused on the geography of our local area and map work. The second is called ‘What does a journey through your body look like?’ and it will focus upon the circulatory system and has a science focus. PE – This will take place on Tuesday mornings. Please make sure your child has their kit in school. Homework – This half term, your child will be given a range of homework. They will be given weekly spellings to learn at home which will be tested on Fridays. They are expected to read often at home, although not necessarily to you all of the time as they are growing up. They may want to read to younger siblings, but if they prefer to read alone, that’s absolutely fine. As long as they’re reading, I’m happy! They will be set one piece of homework per week for maths on My Maths. The username and password has not changed. In addition to this weekly homework, this half term your child has a choice of one fo the following theme projects (due Friday 14th October – 2nd to last week) Create a bird’s eye view drawing of their home and immediate surrounding area labelling buildings and items they draw. Create a set of instructions (much like a SatNav) on how to get from their home to a place which they would like to visit. They could even record themselves giving the route instructions with a SatNav voice! Create a model or diagram of the heart or the entire circulatory system if they’re feeling ambitious!