Professional Development Lead Support Programme Workshop Version 2
Presenter Username:sue_madgwick
A Big Idea for me How proportional reasoning has changed the way I teach and the way I think about mathematics.
Professional Development Leads Heads of maths departments, ASTs, local authority maths advisers, primary maths subject leaders, independent maths consultants, mathematics SLEs, HEI maths education tutors, functional skills leads, maths teacher trainers… …Mathematics teachers who seek to lead others in their development as teachers of mathematics
Using website – cohort community All participants are made members of the community “PD Lead Primary/Secondary Cohort ** ” The cohort community is used for all general communications to the cohort group All programme materials are stored in relevant folders in the documents section The community provides the setting for cohort wide discussion topics such as “Welcome and introductions” and “Information and questions about programme” It is important that “Subscription” is set to “Notify me of new posts and new files” or “Weekly digest of new posts and new files”
Three hats Professional development lead Mathematics teacher Mathematician
Professional Development Lead Support Programme Overview of the programme Programme information and details
The NCETM aims We aim to: raise levels of achievement in maths and to increase appreciation of the power and wonder of maths ensure all teachers of maths have easy access to high quality evidence-based maths- specific continuing professional development at every point of their careers raise the professional status, and the professionalism, of all those engaged in the teaching of maths. Full details about the NCETM here:
PD Lead Programme goals In the first wave of the PD Lead Support Programme the NCETM was commissioned by the DfE to establish and sustain a community of at least 800 accredited mathematics professional development leads, who will provide increased capacity for high quality and high priority maths-specific professional development within a school-led self-improving system. This target has been reached. With the establishment of the Maths Hub programme, hubs are now taking over this role of developing PD Leads.
Programme overview Registration and entry requirements agreement First day Interim tasks between day 1 and day 2 Second day Final completion and submission of accreditation documentation two weeks after day 2 Cohort Leads assess documentation against accreditation criteria If successful, join Accredited PD Lead community Annual renewal of community membership
First day Professional development lead foci: Influences and impact PD learning outcomes PD activity design PD planning framework Mathematics professional development foci: Big ideas in maths and maths teaching Multiple representations Exploring and extending understanding through questioning
Accreditation process At the end of the training and accreditation programme (two weeks after D2), the Cohort Leads assess whether participants have met the accreditation criteria: Entry requirements Participation in programme activities Planning, reflection and evaluation Programme documentation If satisfied, they recommend the participant receives the accreditation and the certificate is issued.
Programme documentation PD Lead Planning, Reflection and Evaluation Framework Part 1 – Planning the PD activity Part 2 – Evaluating the PD activity Immediate evaluation Medium-term evaluation Part 3 – Reflection on the programme and future plans
Interim task PD activity The PD activity should address: Multiple representations in algebra Effective questioning in algebra Big ideas in algebra Or an alternative high priority area addressing teachers’ needs The PD activity can be of a variety of forms, for example: Part of training day for several schools Departmental workshop As part of a 1-1 coaching programme Record your planning and immediate evaluation on the PD lead planning, evaluation and reflection framework Before you lead the activity, share your plan with your Cohort Lead who will offer comment as appropriate
Accreditation criteria In completing the documentation, pay particular attention to the following criteria in section 3: 3.1 The intended outcomes of the interim task PD activity are clearly defined. 3.2 Relevant sources of evidence to inform evaluation of the PD activity are identified in advance. 3.3 The interim task PD activity addresses a demonstrable high priority need. 3.4 Appropriate activities and resources for addressing the intended outcomes are identified, modified or developed.