African Elephant Facts. By Katherine Halenar
Appearance Most African Elephants have dark gray skin. The ears measure as wide as 4 feet. The longest tusk is measured 11 and a half feet long. The height of an African Elephant can go up to 13 feet tall. The skin of a African Elephant is wrinkled.
Diet African Elephant may up to 450 kilograms of vegetation per day. Their digestive system is not very efficient, only 40% of it’s food is properly digested.
Habitat Wild African Elephants only live in Africa south of the Sahara. Elephants live in families or groups.
Family Elephants live in families of related females and their young. A family is led by the oldest female.
Facts A newborn African Elephant can be as tall as 90cm. A female adult African Elephant can be as tall as 280cm. A male adult African Elephant can be as tall as 330cm.
Enemies African Elephants biggest enemies is people and pollution.
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